BIBtip: DiscoveryUPC: learn to search for information in UPC Libraries

BIBtip: DiscoveryUPC: learn to search for information in UPC Libraries

45' open training via Meet oriented to Undergraduate and Master students but open to the entire UPC community. Practical workshop including Q&A time.


  • What is and how to search in the DiscoveryUPC tool
  • Authentication
  • Simple search: how to find all the books you need
  • Advanced Search: how to use Boolean operators
  • Viewing results and how to access documents (paper and electronic format)
  • My Account: how to renew and reserve a book. My favorites
  • How to consult the recommended bibliography
  • What is the CCUC/PUC
  • How to request a document through interlibrary loan


New BIBtips will be scheduled next semester.

We'll announce it in Bibliotècnica, Bluesky and at your library.

Price: Free for UPC members. External users, 25€.

Directed to: Master, Undergraduate students

Keywords: BIBtip, Information resources, Information search, Rumb TFE, Services of libraries

More information: 

This course is also recommended for students who participate in the Rumb TFE service to consolidate the competence 'Solvent use of information resources'.