
MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

Unite!, the European university alliance to which the UPC, wants to contribute to boosting the role of universities in building a world system of open science.

Listen to the podcast we prepared for St. George

Listen to the podcast we prepared for St. George

Amb motiu de la celebració de la diada de Sant Jordi 2024, la biblioteca ha entrevistat en Sebastià Guimerà. Ell fa pocs mesos que acaba de graduar-se a la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona d’una doble titulació: del grau de Tecnologies Marines i el d’Enginyeria en Sistemes i Tecnologia Naval.

Do you know how to search and find the bibliography recommended for the subjects?

Do you know how to search and find the bibliography recommended for the subjects?

At the library we make it easy for you!
We have prepared a video where we explain, in less than 2 minutes, how you can search for the bibliography recommended by the teaching staff of the different undergraduate and master's subjects.

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

What are the BIBtypes?

Last update: 17 / 10 / 2018