Connect to the network eduroam and enter your username of the UPC (nom.cognom) and the password
Download this software to your laptop by following the steps that you indicate:
Download the eduroam installer
If you need more information, check the Eduroam connection manual. We also offer you this video:
Once downloaded, open it and select as an institution UPC, accept the conditions of use and put your username of the UPC (nom.cognom) and password:
You can also follow the instructions in the Eduroam connection manual. You can also see this one video.
Open a browser safari to download the installer:
Once downloaded, follow the steps that you ask for:
If you need more information, check the Eduroam connection manual.
Access the instructions for connecting to eduroam on the web of your institution.
Access wifi UPCguest. Select this network and follow the instructions in the connection manual.
Wi-Fi users UPC, both eduroam and d 'UPCguest, commit to: