Simple search

Type in the search box the term or terms you want to find information about and choose between the different profiles and click on the magnifying glass.

  • Click on the microphone icon and select the language to dictate what you want to type in the search box

Simple search

What does each profile contain?

  • Everything UPC: includes search of all profiles (except CCUC and EBSCO)
  • Catalog UPC: recover the physical and electronic books, magazines, maps, ... of the Catalog of the Libraries of the UPC. Does not include items.
  • Digital Library UPC + UPCommons: retrieves the electronic content of a large database of articles, book chapters, conferences, many of them subscribed to by the Libraries of the UPC and open access. It also allows you to retrieve the content ofUPCommons.
  • Collective Catalog of the Universities of Catalonia (CCUC/PUC): allows you to expand your search results in the CCUC and make syndicated loan requests (PUC)
  • EBSCO: bibliographic references and the full text of some databases from this provider not included in the All scope. Prior authentication is required. Consult the list of databases that you can recover from this scope in this one enllaç.
If you do not specify anything the search will be done in the set "ALL" 
  • You can search for:
    • title, author, ISSN, ISBN, DOI, subject, ...
  • If you do not specify any Boolean operators (NOT, OR) it applies the AND operator and retrieves records that contain the terms used, regardless of whether they are together or apart. 
  • To make a more specific search, use the operators in the same search box or apply the filters or you can also make one advanced search.


If you have not found the document you are looking for, widen the search by choosing the CCUC/PUC field. You will see if the document is available in any of the Catalan universities or the Library of Catalonia.

Some of the documents can be ordered through the syndicated loan service (PUC). If you are an authorized user, identify yourself and press the Request by PUC button.

Digital Library allows you to search within the content of a large majority of databases and publishing packages subscribed by the Libraries of the UPC or available in open access except:

  • AENORmore
  • Aranzadi
  • Color Index
  • Derwent Innovation Index
  • Docommeno Ibérico 
  • ISSN Online
  • JCR
  • OnArchitecture
  • SABI
  • Urbadoc
  • Voyage Data (Marine Traffic)


Databases that retrieve content but must be validated to view the log

  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
  • Scopus
  • Web of Science

Nor does it retrieve content from these open access databases

  • ArchiRes


EBSCO is an information provider with whom the Library Service subscribes to summary and citation databases.


Some article references from EBSCO databases cannot be retrieved by simple or advanced search, for this reason, the "EBSCO" filter must be selected - authentication is required to see the search results. 

The resources you can consult with this filter are:



Resource recovery is not exhaustive, so we recommend doing a direct search in the database for best results. Databases subscribed with EBSCO


Tutorial: How to search for documents using basic search

Last update: 05 / 04 / 2023