Signature and institutional affiliation

When you sign the articles and academic papers, use the same signature and mention always la UPC. Follow the following guidelines to indicate the institutional affiliation and the recommendations for your personal name.

It is also important that you have the code ORCID and other unique author identifiers: Scopus Author ID, Web of Science Researcher IDGoogle Scholar, etc.

Guidelines for institutional affiliation

Full and abbreviated filiation

According to him Corporate graphic identity manual of the UPC I la Regulations on the rights of industrial and intellectual property current, the official name of the University is, for all purposes and for all languages

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)

Additionally to the name of the institution, you can add the structural unit also with the complete form followed by the acronym in parentheses:

Department of Computer Architecture (DAC)
Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) 

Structural levels

The mention of the university can be preceded by one or more units, following this order:   

  1. Department
  2. Research group
  3. Research institute
  4. Research laboratory
  5. Research Center
  6. Chair
  7. University service
  8. Teaching center

All these elements of institutional affiliation must be separated by commas. Subsequently, the postal address must be indicated.

To locate the standard name and acronyms of the structural units, consult the Multilingual nomenclature of the UPC

  • Department of Computer Architecture (DAC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), Campus Nord, Building D6, C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, ​​Spain
  • Department of Chemical Engineering (EQ), Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), Campus Sud, Building PG, Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, ​​Spain
  • Institute of Organization and Control of Industrial Systems (IOC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), Campus Sud, Building H, Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona, ​​Spain 
  • Department of Applied Mathematics III (MA3), Numerical Calculation Laboratory (LaCàN), Higher Technical School of Road, Canal and Port Engineers of Barcelona (ETSECCPB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), Campus Nord, Building C2, C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, 08034 B

Must indicate Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC):

  • All members of the university community of the UPC when they sign publications derived from teaching, research and management activities.  
  • The investigators Juan de la Cierva, Joan OróBeatriu de Pinós, Marie Curie i Ramón y Cajal who develop their research at UPC.
  • Els PhD students, when they publish articles that are part of a thesis per compendium or of their doctorate.   
  • The teaching and research staff within the framework of the program Sierra Húnter  In addition, you must include in the publication's acknowledgments the text: "The author (or his name if there are several authors) is a Serra Húnter Fellow."
  • Researchers from outside entities linked to UPC

Institutional filiation and double affiliation

In accordance with Article 17 of the Regulations governing related research entities (EVR) of the UPC approved by CG 01/04/2020,

[1] Department of Signal Theory and Telecommunications (TSC), School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB),  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Nord, Edific. D4, Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, ​​Spain

[2] ICFO-Institute of Photonic Sciences, BIST-The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 3, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain

[1] Department of Mathematics, Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Diagonal 647, Barcelona, ​​Spain 

[2] [Company Name], [Company Address], [Postcode Town], Spain 


[1] Department of Mathematics, Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Diagonal 647, Barcelona, ​​Spain 

[2] ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, ​​Spain


Researchers from entities outside the UPC and which are linked to the UPC, in accordance with Article 7.3 (e) of the Regulations governing related staff UPC approved by CG 03/02/2016.

[1] Quantum Materials Chemistry Group (GQQM), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona (UB), c / Martí i Franquès 1, 08028 Barcelona, ​​Spain 

[2] Department of Signal Theory and Telecommunications (TSC), Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Nord , Building D4, Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, ​​Spain   



Recommendations for the personal name

The following recommendations are an adaptation and summary of the Handbook for helping Spanish researchers to standardize the names of authors and institutions in scientific publications.

When you choose how to sign the publications, keep in mind:

  • Use always the same signature in all publications.
  • Many databases consider the last word of the personal name as a surname and abbreviate the remaining elements to their initial. Example: the name “Andrés García Pérez” is incorrectly indexed under the form “Pérez, AG”. In order to avoid this error, it includes a hyphen among those elements that the database should not separate: Andrés García-Pérez.

Pile names

If you have a compound name (Josep Maria, Anna Maria ...), sign the publications with the first full name and the initial of the second. Thus, the database no longer interprets the initial of the second name as a surname:

  • Josep M.
  • Anna M.

If you want to include the middle name, put a hyphen between each of the elements to indicate to the indexing systems that they are all part of the first name, not the last name:

  • Josep-Maria
  • Anna-Maria
  • J.-Maria
  • A.-Maria

When your name includes a hyphen between the elements of the compound name (Jan-Suen, Jean-Paul ...), you can preserve it according to the same criteria as before:

  • Jan-Suen Porcel
  • Jan-S. Porcel
  • J.-Suen Porcel

If the compound name is joined by particles, such as articles or prepositions (Maria del Carme, Maria dels Àngels ...), it is better to omit them in the signature, as they generate indexing and retrieval problems. Following the examples, use:

  • Maria C.
  • Maria A. 

However, if you want to maintain the integrity of the name, put a hyphen between each element to indicate to the indexing systems that they are all part of the name and not the surname:

  • Maria-del-Carmen
  • Maria-del-C.
  • M.-del-Carmen
  • Maria-dels-Àngels
  • Maria-de-A.
  • M.-dels-Àngels


If you include both surnames in the signature, a practice we recommend if you have a frequent first surname, add a hyphen between the two surnames to prevent incorrect indexing in the databases by the last surname. Thus the hyphen indicates that the first surname is not the second element of a compound name:

  • Adrià Pérez-González

If your last name contains hyphens, do not separate items that are already joined.

For example, with a name like "Amèlia Balcells-Rocha Valero" you must use the form "Amèlia Balcells-Rocha" if you want to sign with a single last name. However, the name "Amèlia Balcells Rocha-Valero" will be used in the form "Amèlia Balcells" to do the same. 

To keep the particles of the surnames (articles, prepositions ...), include a hyphen between them:

  • Pere de la Vega
  • Amelia la-Banda
  • Ernest Masó-i-Giner

In this case, the names will be indexed by these particles (de la Vega, la Banda ...). Therefore, if you want to be indexed by the surname without particle (Vega, Banda ...) you have to omit it in your signature:

  • Pere Vega
  • Amelia Banda
  • Ernest Masó-Giner 

In order to establish guidelines when it comes to signing scientific papers uniformly and avoiding identification problems of authorship, the FECYT published the Handbook for helping Spanish researchers to standardize the names of authors and institutions in scientific publications.

Organization identifiers

Ringgold ID is a PID (Persistent Identifier) ​​consisting of 6 or 5 digits that uniquely identifies academic and research organizations. The system allows you to assign a global PID and one for the different units, departments, schools, etc. that make up the structure of the organization. 

Some publishing houses use this indicator to check if the institutional affiliation indicated by an author in his article is correct. 

  • In case the Ringgold ID is requested from the UPC can be indicated: 16767 Polytechnic University of Catalonia
  • Publishers using this identifier: American Institute of Physics, IEEE and The Royal Society
To indicate affiliation you must follow the Guidelines for institutional affiliation. If, for example, only the name of a School or Faculty is indicated, ID 16767 will not identify it as UPC.

El Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a persistent identifier for organizations. Its records, unlike Ringgold, are fully open access (the records are in the CC0 public domain)

  • ROR is used in journal publishing systems, data repositories, funder management platforms and open access workflows and other research infrastructures to disambiguate the name of institutional affiliations, among other uses. 
  • It is interoperable with other identifiers (CrossRef, Wikidata, etc.)
  • The maintenance of this identifier is carried out through a centralized and community data curation process, so that it is not the institution itself that proposes improvements and/or changes.

Access to ROR  for the UPC

Last update: 06 / 06 / 2024