- Students
- Professors
- Researchers
- Catalog of libraries of the UPC
- Open access
- Science open to the UPC
- FAIR research data
- Prepare scientific papers and doctoral theses
- Bibliometric studies
- External training
- Bibliometric indicators and accreditations
- Citations per article
- Citations by book
- CiteScore
- Eigenfactor and Article influence score
- Impact factor (FI)
- Conference indicators
- Indicators of the field of Architecture and Urban planning
- Journal Citation Indicator
- Organisms
- Editorial Prestige
- Quartile
- Resources by accreditation body and thematic area
- Scimago Journal Rank (SJR)
- tercil
- Index G
- Index h
- Profiles of researchers and ORCID
- Data management plan
- Loan service
- Interlibrary loan
- Research Café
- Signature and institutional affiliation
- Visibility in FUTUR and UPCommons
- Libraries
- News
- About us
- Collections
- Services
- Equipment
- Facilities
- Bibliometric studies
- recerCAMINS - Study of the scientific communication of the research in the School of Engineering of Roads, Channels and Ports of the UPC at CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING (2014-2018)
- recerCAMINS - Study of the scientific communication of the research in the School of Engineering of Roads, Channels and Ports of the UPC at GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY (2014-2018)
- recerCAMINS - Study of the scientific communication of the research in the School of Engineering of Roads, Channels and Ports of the UPC at HYDROLOGY, MARITIME AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (2014-2018)
- recerCAMINS - Study of the scientific communication of the research in the School of Engineering of Roads, Channels and Ports of the UPC at SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING (2014-2018)
- paths UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS (2014-2018)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in 5G (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in BIOINFORMATICS (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in COMPUTER SECURITY (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in DATA SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in MACHINE LEARNING (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in ROBOTICS (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC in SMART SENSORS (2007-2017)
- recerTIC UPC - Study of the scientific communication of research in the UPC on VEHICLE-TO-EVERYTHING (2007-2017)
- Iglinks
- Impact of the publications related to the doctoral program in Civil Engineering (2019-2022)
- Impact of publications linked to the Doctoral program in Structural Analysis (2019-2022)
- Recovery of obsolete files
- Academic Papers TELECOS
- Academic works FIB
- Contact
- Host competition
- About us
- News
- Contact
- Collections
- Bibliographic identifiers
- Intellectual property
- Dissemination of content to web pages and / or intranets
- Copyright of the scientific-technical production UPC
- Copyright of the teaching materials of the Virtual Campus of the UPC
- Avoid plagiarism
- Industrial and intellectual property in academic works at the UPC
- Intellectual property legislation
- Open access licenses (Creative Commons and GNU)
- Localization of legislation, regulations, patents and trademarks
- Training materials in intellectual property
- Regulation UPC of industrial and intellectual property
- Rules of use of the resources contracted under license by the Library Service, Publications and Archives of the UPC
- Works of public domain
- Works Orphans
- Intellectual property of academic works UPC
- Industrial and intellectual property of the academic works presented at the UPC (TFG, PFM, doctoral theses, etc.)
- Intellectual Property: Frequently Asked Questions
- FAQs on intellectual property: open access
- FAQs on intellectual property: Right of public communication
- FAQs on intellectual property: Right of distribution
- FAQs on intellectual property: Right of reproduction
- FAQs on intellectual property: Right of transformation
- FAQs on intellectual property: Generalities
- FAQs on intellectual property: Registration and identification of documents
- FAQs on intellectual property: ownership and assignment of rights
- Protect authoring of publications
- Intellectual Property Service (SEPI)
- UPCommons as a copyright management tool
- Ethical use of information
- original
- Loan service
- 10 most consulted Materials
- 100 more consulted
- 25 more consulted Biomedicine
- 25 more consulted Industrial and Automatic Electronics
- 25 more consulted Electrical
- 25 most consulted Energy
- 25 most consulted Mechanics
- 25 more consulted Chemistry
- Biography
- Drawer
- Discovery UPC
- PhD students
- Academic documentation
- Events
- Exlibris Libraries UPC
- Filters
- Training
- Training courses
- Welcome: welcome to the libraries of the UPC
- BIBTip: How to search for information in architecture
- BIBtip: How to search for information in DiscoveryUPC
- BIBtip: How to cite and prepare the bibliography of your works
- BIBtip: How to do a good academic job
- BIBtip: How to manage bibliographic references with Zotero
- BIBtip: How to be a Google Pro
- BIBtip: Beyond Google
- Start the thesis on a good footing: organize the information
- DRAC for PhD students
- Avoid plagiarism
- Management of research data
- Reference managers
- The scientific publication
- Orientation Week
- Information resources and services in architecture, construction and urbanism
- Resources and information services in ... engineering
- Writing and preparation of the manuscript
- Visibility and impact indicators (Your doctoral thesis 5)
- Calendar
- InForma't
- Training courses
- Gallery d'imatges
- Management of prizes, contests, donations or similar events organized by the University
- International student
- The collection
- Regulations and advice
- Observatory of open access
- Open access to the UIC
- Open access to the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Open access to the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Open access to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Open access to Pompeu Fabra University
- Open access to Ramon Llull University
- Access open to the Rovira i Virgili University
- Open access to the University of Barcelona
- Open access to the University of Girona
- Open access to the University of Lleida
- Open access to the University of Vic
- Publications
- Point ATENEA Libraries-ICE
- Services
- Services for students of the UPC School
- About Pérez del Río
- Treatment F006 Organization of seminars, congresses, conferences and courses
- UPCArts
- Visitor
- eBIB: access to electronic resources of the digital library of the UPC