1 learning grant has been announced to collaborate with the Libraries, Publications and...
The Libraries, Publications and Archives Service has a DOI prefix. Assign and register to...
What are transformative agreements and how to make use of APCs? They are magazine subscription agreements...
The publishing house Wiley offers a series of webinars in Spanish and English in the coming weeks...
The Language and Terminology Service of the UPC offers the PDI of the UPC the possibility of...
The libraries are starting to open gradually but with changes to the schedule until the 9th of...
Lending libraries UPC From July 1, all document loans UPC they can...
The libraries of the UPC they are closed from August 5 to 23, but you can consult the magazines, books and...
The Cinema and Literature Reading Club is organized around a clear and simple objective:...
Access tons of books available online by searching Discovery UPC or access the books...
The UPC Institutional Repository
Geolocation of the academic production of the UPC all over the world
Portal of the scientific output of UPC researchers
Materials developed by teachers as a tool to support their teaching activity.
Vogel, H.-A. (2019)
Tejedor, B., i altres (2024)
Hlawatsch, F., i altres, ed. (2011)
Cook, J.G. (2001)
Spee, J.C., i altres, ed. (2021)
Wiggins, J.M. (2021)
Abdulai, R.T., i altres, ed. (2021)
Mulryne, J.R., i altres, ed. (2018)
Troba les novetats del nostre fons bibliogràfic
Mònica Aguilar Igartua, Jordi Forné Muñoz, Jordi Mata Diaz, Francisco Rico Novella, Alfonso Rojas Espinosa, Miquel Soriano Ibáñez
Salvador Gilabert Sanz, Isabel Zaragoza de Pedro
Luis Eduardo Mújica Delgado, Magda L. Ruiz Ordoñez
Xavier Ayneto Gubert, Miquel Ferrer Ballester
Salvador de las Heras
Rex D. Martienssen
Helio Piñón
Miquel Delgado Prieto, Ángel Fernández Sobrino, Joan Valls Pérez
Luis Navarro Jover
Julien Lugand
Enric X. Martín Rull
Álvaro Clua (ed.)
Xavier Duran
Roger Sauquet, Isabel Castiñeira (ed.)
Ignacio Paricio Ansuátegui, Robert Terradas Muntañola
Eugenio Mangi i Su Yimin (eds.)
Licia Buttà (ed.)
Stefano Cortellaro (ed.)
Antoni Hernández-Fernández (ed.)
Llibres acadèmics de la UPC
Llibres especialitzats en ciència i tecnologia
Llibres especialitzats en informàtica
Llibres especialitzats en matemàtica
Llibres especialitzats en arquitectura
Llibres especialitzats en enginyeria química
Llibres multidisciplinars
Llibres especialitzats en humanitats i ciències socials
Enciclopèdies multidisciplinàries