FAQ on intellectual property: Open access

Open access (open access) It allows free access to scientific or academic production, without economic barriers or restrictions derived from intellectual property rights. It encompasses both scientific articles and images, data, or learning objects.

La UPC It supports this international movement fromUPCommons and the regulations approved by the Governing Council.

To find open access images, you can search for those that the authors themselves have distributed using licenses for "copyleft" use (for example, Creative Commons).

Some authors put their works at the disposal of the international community through copyleft type licensing, with which they can clearly indicate to the person who will use them of what permits they have to do it and under what conditions.

In this way, information may be placed in the free consultation system on the web by facilitating its use, although at the same time it safeguards the attribution of the work to the author and prevents possible unauthorized uses.

A Creative Commons license is a model of this type of contract promoted by the foundation Creative Commons, which has been adapted among others to the Spanish jurisdiction. The works that appear protected under these licenses can be reproduced, distributed and communicated publicly, although the author can also authorize other uses such as the modification and / or commercialization of the same. In any case, they always have to quote and recognize the original authors.

The six licenses Creative Commons They have been adapted to many jurisdictions, as in the case of Spanish jurisdiction.

Since the goal of Creative Commons  is to ensure that licenses are legally effective worldwide and has created version 4.0, which is based on various international copyright treaties. In this way, countries that do not have licenses adapted to their own jurisdiction can use these international licenses.

Creative Commons  has posted the 4.0 version  of international licenses, from which you can find more information on 'corresponding section of the web nostra.

Open Science  is an integral project of Creative Commons, although with a broader approach derived from the limitations and needs of the scientific and academic community to be able to make visible their investigations.

Open Science He works on various projects related to the publication of scientific texts, patents, access to scientific data, technology transfer and intellectual property ...

Last update: 17 / 05 / 2022