
Did you know that you have access to more than 100.000 digital books?

Did you know that you have access to more than 100.000 digital books?

Access tons of books available online by searching for Discovery UPC.

MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

Unite!, the European university alliance to which the UPC, wants to contribute to boosting the role of universities in building a world system of open science.

VideoCabin. New space for video conferences

VideoCabin. New space for video conferences

If you need to work virtually in a team, practice presentations, hold online meetings, communicate electronically with your professors, or any other academic activity by video conference, you can reserve one of the two cabins available for these uses on the 1st floor.

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

What are the BIBtypes?

What are diamond magazines and where to find them

What are diamond magazines and where to find them

The diamond magazines they are open access journals that do not charge either the authors or the readers but are subsidized by scientific societies, universities, etc. Therefore, they have no financial barriers either to access or to publish.

Last update: 17 / 10 / 2018