International Week of Open Access to the UPC

Every year the International Week of Open Access is celebrated (Open Access Week), a meeting to share knowledge and learn the advantages of publishing free, immediate and unrestricted content. This year the celebration takes place from October 23 to 29 under the motto Community over Commercialization and the UPC participates in the organization of events and informative material on open publishing and open science.

XVI Open Access Week (21-27 October 2024)

Open Access Week UPC


"Community versus commercialization" is once again the theme of this year's International Open Access Week and aims to raise awareness of the importance of community control of knowledge sharing systems. 

Science open to the UPC

  • Presentation of the Open Science roadmap UPC and the project 'Your idea is science' at the Terrassa Campus
  • The Terrassa Campus will also host theexhibition Road map Performances 2023 who is going to the 5th Open Science Conference at the UPC (June 2024).


Talks and online conferences from different universities

Finding, Using, and Creating Open Educational Resources

  • University of British Columbia Library (Canadà)
  • Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Time: 23:00 - 00:00 h.

  • Registration is required


The Influence of AI on Academic Publishing

  • University of British Columbia Library (Canadà)
  • Monday, October 21, 2024. Time: 20:00 - 21:00 h.

  • Registration is required


Webinar Licenças Creative Commons

  • Open Science Community Lisbon (Portugal)
  • Tuesday, October 22, 2024. Time: 18:00 - 19:00 h.

  • Zoom access



ABC of Open Access Publishing


Publication rankings of the UPC

Publication in open access to the UPC 2023: diamond magazine articles

  • The goal of this report is to analyze the scientific publication (articles) UPC in open access from 2023 delving into the following aspects: the degree of openness of the published articles, the degree of publication of articles in diamond journals and the thematic area and the publishers of the articles published by the research staff of the UPC during 2023.

Open access and ETSEIB's scientific production. 2023

Consultation ranking of the doctoral theses of the UPC publicades el 2022 i 2023

  • Aquest informe mostra les 25 tesis doctorals UPC publicades el 2022 i 2023 que han estat més consultades a través d'UPCommons.
  • Prepared by the BRGF, it is completed with an infographic displayed in the library lobby.

Consultation ranking of the academic work of the centers of the Campus Nord UPC: treballs publicats el 2022 i 2023

  • Aquest informe mostra els 10 treballs acadèmics publicats el 2022 i 2023 de l'ETSECCPB, l'ETSETB i la FIB que han estat més consultats a través d'UPCommons, the institutional repository of the UPC.
  • Prepared by the BRGF, it is completed with an infographic displayed in the library lobby.

Rànquing de consulta dels treballs acadèmics del Campus de Terrassa durant el 2023

Rànquing de consulta i descàrrega dels treballs acadèmics de l'ETSAB during 2022

  • Aquest informe mostra els 10 treballs acadèmics ...

Informe de la BFME sobre l'enquesta del coneixement de Ciència oberta i gestió de dades de la recerca al PDI de l'UTGAM

  • Aquest informe mostra ...

Infografies elaborades per la BCBL

  • TFEs del Campus del Baix Llobregat més consultats a UPCommons
  • Llistat de revistes on s'han publicat més articles OA

    Infografies elaborades per la BEPSEB

    Infografia elaborada per la BEEBE

    • TFEs més descarregats d'UPCommons


    Exposicions i activitats divulgatives

    • La BEPSEVG comptarà amb:
      • Exhibition on open science
      • Projecte OBSEA: connexió amb la càmera en directe
    • La BFME i la BEPSEB donaran a conèixer Gate2Math dins el projecte Eramus
      • A càrrec del professor Carles Serrat, del Departament de Matemàtiques de la UPC
      • Dimecres 23 d'octubre a les 12:00 h. a la Biblioteca EPSEB
    • The BETSAB centrarà els seus esforços en la divulgació dels REO (Recursos Educatius en Obert)


    Butlletins especials

    • BFME
    • BETSAB
    • BCT

    Previous weeks

    XV Open Access Week (23-29 October 2023)

    Open Access Week UPC


    "Community versus commercialization" is the theme of this year's International Open Access Week and aims to raise awareness of the importance of community control of knowledge sharing systems. 

    Science open to the UPC

    La UPC offers a single window to support University staff, mainly PDI, in the management of project data or research activities.

    Last July 5, the Governing Council of the UPC approved his Roadmap 2025 for Open Science

    Research Café OAWeek23


    During Open Access Week 2023 was held on

    10th Research Café on 'Open Science'


    Quan: October 25, 2023

    Organizing libraries: BRGF Library i Library ETSAB

    Program: An informal meeting for PhD students, postdocs and researchers to share research practices and transdisciplinary ideas. This Research Café will focus on Open Science, addressing issues such as FAIR data, open source, data privacy and citizen science. They presented their research:

    • Rafael Vidal,  Rector's delegate in Open Science and Citizen Science - Welcome - Open Science to the UPC
    • Inés Aquilué - FURNISH: Behavioral analysis in public spaces temporarily transformed
    • Rodrigo Alfonso Pérez Illanes - The git versioning system as a tool for supporting research and Open Source development
    • jamie delgado - FAIR principles and health data, security and privacy
    • Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez - Open Sciences principles for Life Sciences: is it everything about data?



    See the presentations


    Talks and online conferences from different universities

    Talk: Innovation in parental review practices

    • Thursday, October 26 from 12-13:30 p.m., organized by REBIUN Repositories Working Group.
    • Taught by Pandelis Perakakis, PhD in the Department of Social, Behavioral and Differential Psychology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, it will address the innovations in the peer review process driven by international organizations and the emerging role of libraries and repositories in the future of publication and academic evaluation.
    • It will be possible to follow through Zoom.
    • Callus inscription previous.

    Talk: Open science and new research evaluation processes: 8 vertices of the same prism

    • Tuesday 24 October from 9-14:30h, organized by the Library Service of the University of Salamanca (USAL) together with the Institute of Biomedicine of Salamanca (IBSAL)
    • Workshop-colloquium to deal with strategies, implementation and the impact on evaluation processes in universities. You can consult the program here.
    • It can be followed on the channel of YouTube of the University of Salamanca.
    • Callus inscription previous.

    Talk: Retention of Rights: Retain your rights to advance open science

    • Monday 23 October from 10-11am, organized by the Library Service of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
    • The retention of rights appears recently in laws and in the requirements of funding bodies as another tool to make open and immediate access to knowledge a reality. For this reason, it is necessary that both the research staff and their institutions retain the necessary rights to be able to freely reuse the results of the research.
    • It can be followed by Microsoft Teams.
    • Callus inscription previous.

    Talk: Research data: what you need to know

    • Wednesday 25 October from 10am-12pm, organized by the Library Service of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
    • In this talk you will learn about the CORA.RDR data repository and also what elements make up a Data Management Plan
    • It can be followed by Microsoft Teams.
    • Callus inscription previous.

    Publication rankings of the UPC

    Consultation ranking of the doctoral theses of the UPC published in 2021 and 2022

    Consultation ranking of the academic work of the centers of the Campus Nord UPC: works published in 2021 and 2022

    Report on the TFE of theETSAB most viewed and downloaded during 2022

    Open access and ETSEIB's scientific production. 2022

    Management of research data. Prospecting study in the UPC Manresa, April-July 2023

    Report on the TFEs of the Terrassa Campus most consulted during 2022

    Documents of interest

    Research Data Curation Checklist for Researchers (PDF)

    • Checklist for researchers prepared by the IRTA and which is based on the best practice guides (CURATED) developed by the organization Data Curation Network (DCN) for data management and FAIR publication.

    Research data matters: manage, share, publish and reuse (PDF)

    • Infographic prepared by REBIUN where the value of managing, sharing, publishing and reusing research data is highlighted as well as the importance of complying with the FAIR principles. In addition, the role of libraries as support and advisory services for research staff is recalled.

    CORA. Research Data Repository (CORA.RDR) (PDF)

    • Infographic prepared by the CSUC where information is provided on how to publish, manage and give access to your datasets in a FAIR manner and following the guidelines of theEOSC.

    Exhibitions, newsletters and other library outreach activities UPC

    Pay attention to social media

    Library Newsletters

    • Some libraries will publish special bulletins dedicated to open science and open access week.


    XIV Open Access Week (24-30 October 2022)

    Open Access Week UPC


      Round table: Climate change, climate justice and open access to knowledge


      The University of Barcelona and the UPC jointly organize this round table, with the participation of theOlga Alcaraz Sendra (teacher of UPC and climate change governance specialist) and the Tomás Molina Bosch (professor of the UB and Head of Meteorology of Television of Catalonia).


      Talk: The benefits of open science for researchers by Bianca Amaro

      • Tuesday, October 25, from 15:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m., the CSUC is organizing an online chat by Bianca Amaro, president of the Repositories Network of Open Access to Science - LA Reference, on the benefits of open science practices for the research community.
      • It can be followed on the channel of CSUC YouTube.
      • Callus inscription previous.


      REBIUN Webinars: Research, data and teaching: as open as necessary

      • Monday, October 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Open access and the new science law. Registration 
      • Wednesday, October 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. FAIR or not FAIR? That's data management. Registration
      • Friday, October 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The guide to open educational resources (OER Kit): how to create, use, reuse and share them. Registration


      Trends in Peer Review of Open Access Preprints

      • On Wednesday 26 October at 17:00, ArXiv is hosting a discussion on preprint evaluation.
      • Callus inscription previous.


        Grants to publish in open access to the UPC

        • Tuesday, October 25 at 11:00 a.m EPSEB library a talk will take place on how to enjoy an APC within the transformative agreements of the UPC.


        The importance of publishing in Open Access


        Most consulted doctoral theses

        • The BRGF presents the ranking consultation of the doctoral students of the UPC published in 2020 and 2021


        ETSEIB scientific production and open access

        • The ETSEIB Library presents thereport on open access and ETSEIB's scientific production will last until 2021.


        The search for climate justice of the UPC Laziness in the world

        • La BCUM presents infografia and the articles on the scientific/academic production of the Manresa Campus researchers in open access on climate change, climate justice and published in 2020 and 2021. 


        Most consulted academic works

        • The Library of theETSAB presents theReport of academic works published inETSAB most consulted during 2021.
        • The BRGF presents the ranking of consultation of the academic works of the centers of the Campus Nord UPC published in 2020 and 2021.  
        • The BCT presents thereport of the most consulted academic works of the Terrassa Campus during 2021. You can also consult the infographics of the most consulted academic works for each school:
        • The EEBE Library presents thereport on the analysis of the production of Final Degree Thesis of the EEBE and the infografia of the TFGs most consulted on climate emergency.


        Exhibitions of magazines in open access 

        • Physical exhibition of covers of OA publications in the nautical field in the hall of the Faculty of Nautical Sciences in Barcelona.
        • Exhibition of engineering magazine covers in open access at the ETSEIB Library.


        Pay attention to social media

        • The EEBE Library will promote climate justice-related titles that are part of the Library's Climate Emergency Collection via Instagram (@bibliotecaeebe) and Twitter (@BiblioEEBE).
        • The EEBE Library will publicize the Sustainability, Technology and Humanism (STH) group and the Climate Change Governance (GGCC) subgroup through Instagram (@bibliotecaeebe) and Twitter (@BiblioEEBE)

        XIII Open Access Week (October 25-31, 2021)


        What are we talking about when we talk about Open Science at the UPC?


        CORA. Research Data Repository  

        • CORA-RDR is a repository of research data from Catalan universities and CERCA centers.
        • To publish datasets following FAIR criteria, the research staff of the UPC hasUPCommons Research Data and CORA-RDR for data collections larger than 2GB.


        Open Access Measurement Report in Spanish universities and the CSIC 

        • Second edition of theReport prepared by REBIUN. It analyzes the situation and the evolution of the publication in open access during the period 2016-2020.
        • To know the data relating to the UPC see the graphic Next.


        Most consulted academic works

        • The BRGF presents thereport of the 10 academic papers published in 2019 and 2020 by the ETSECCPB, ETSETB and the FIB that have been most consulted throughUPCommons
        • The BCBL presents thereport which shows the 15 most consulted TFGs of the EETAC and EEABB during 2021
        • The BCT presents thereport of the most consulted academic works of the Terrassa Campus during 2020. You can also consult the infographics of the most consulted academic works for each school.

        The EEBE Library promotes the publication of open access TFGs among its students

        • See infografia and the 5 most downloaded EEBE TFGs during the year 2020


        2015-2020 Final Degree projects in open access to the EPSEB

        • The EPSEB Library presents a infografia of the list of the last 5 years of the TFG of the fields of building and geomatics in open access


        10 reasons to post on UPCommons the final works of studies 


        Most consulted doctoral theses

        • The BRGF presents the 25 doctoral theses UPC published in 2019 and 2020 that have been most consulted throughUPCommons.


        Exhibitions of open access journals at the ETF 

        • Physical exhibition of covers of OA publications in the field of sailing with the QR for consultation


        Pay attention to social media 

        • The EEBE Library disseminates photographs and reflections of researchers from the Besòs campus via Instagram (@bibliotecaeebe) and Twitter (@BiblioEEBE)
        • The Library BCUM disseminates resources UPC to spread this paradigm shift through Instagram (@bcum_biblioteca)



        XII Open Access Week (19-25 October 2020)

        Open Access Week 2020 at the UPC   

        Let the data not be a nightmare!

        • You are a doctoral student at UPC? Check out the video that will help you organize your research data by making a Data Management Plan. 

        Watch the video

        Organize your research project files

          Academic works of the ETSECCPB, ETSETB and the FIB most consulted

          • The BRGF presents the academic papers of the ETSECCPB, ETSETB and the FIB presented in 2018 and 2019 most consulted. 

          Most consulted doctoral theses 

          • The BRGF presents the doctoral theses read on the UPC in 2018 and 2019 most consulted.  

          What do you know about open science?

          • Play and check what you know about open science with this online game prepared by the Terrassa Campus Library.

          Test yourself and play!

          Before you buy an item ....

          • See infografia which tells you the widgets for finding open access items: Unpaywall, Google Scholar Button, Open Access Button, Kopernio, etc.

            All open access journals in the Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ)

            • See the lens assembly tutorial DOAJ to find out about all the open access journals in your subject area: agriculture, science and naval science, technology, etc. 
            • The DOAJ is the online directory that indexes open access journals of proven scientific quality and with peer review. 

              Thermometer and Open Access Observatory

              • See the lens assembly tutorial Thermometer and theOpen Access Observatory to know the degree of publication in open access to the UPC and the rest of Catalan universities.  

              Magazine carousel in open access and with impact factor


              Open access and open science on Twitter

              • Don't miss this year's microMOOC !. Every day, from October 21 to 25, from the Twitter account @moocmicro Tweets will be given on different aspects of open science such as data management and preservation, research evaluation, responsible research and innovation, and so on.
              • The schedules are:  

              Are you a final year student? That interests you

              • Wednesday, October 23, from 11.30:12.30 a.m. to 25:XNUMX p.m., Classroom XNUMX of theESABs we are waiting for the talk by students and the library about TFG, Open Access and UPCommons.
                • Consol Garcia and Juanjo Castro Triay (graduate in Food Engineering) - "What is open access? How does it affect me?"
              • Oriented to undergraduate and master's students.

              Library party a Vilanova

              • On Thursday, October 24, we invite you to celebrate World Libraries Day and participate in the Instagram competition of the EPSEVG Library
              • Dynamics of the Instagram contest:
                • Upload a photo where you appear in any of the spaces in the EPSEVG library
                • Make a comment mentioning what you like most about this space using #festbibepsevg
                • Mention the@bibupcvilanova in the comment
              • Prize: a T-shirt UPC (the winner will be chosen by lottery and we will announce the same day 24 at 13.30 h)

              Scientific publication and open access

              • Friday, October 25, in Room 028-2 of theEETAC There will be two conferences aimed at young researchers, PDI and PhD students:
                • "MDPI and the future of open access" by  MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), open scientific journal of scientific journals, 11.00 has 11.45 h
                • "Publish or not publish: Is this the question?" by the teacher Ramon Pallàs from 11.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

              Research Café: Research sample on the Castelldefels Campus

              • Wednesday, 30 October, in Room 004 Ed. Campus D7 Baix Llobregat, coffee with 3 researchers who will explain their research:
                • Oscar Casas: Technology and disability (09.30 h)
                • Enric Pastor: The dron technology (10.00 h)
                • Clara Prats: Fighting against tuberculosis with computational models (11.00 h)
              • Oriented to PTGAS but open to everyone!.
              • Check out the presentations at UPCommons

              What do we show in the world ?: information resources UPC in open access

              • Thursday, October 31 from 13.00:14.00 pm to XNUMX:XNUMX pm at EPSEVG Library, informative talk on the resources of the UPC And how we project the University around the world thanks to open access! We'll talk to you aboutUPCommons, Geocommons, Digital Memory, etc.
              • Addressed to the PDI 

              What do you know about open science?

              • Play and check what you know about open science with this online game prepared by the Terrassa Campus Library.

              Test yourself and play!

              FIB Academic Works

              • The Gabriel Ferraté Rector Library and the Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona present FIB Academic Works, an analysis of the works deposited in UPCommons. 

              FIB Academic Works

              Datasets a UPCommons  

              • Why publish datasets in open and why a UPCommons? The teacher David Parcerisa of the Polytechnic College of Manresa (EPSEM) explains in a video Your experience of publishing datasets on UPCommons.

              Before paying for an article ....

              • An infografia which tells you useful widgets like Unpaywall, Google Scholar Button or Open Access Button to find open access items.

              How to make a research data management plan with the DMP tool?

              • Infographic About the WWW address addressed to researchers with 2020 Horizon projects.

              What are the most quoted open articles? The most consulted theses and TFEs?

              The BRGF presents different studies that show the most impactful academic papers.

              Open access and open science to social networks 

              Pay attention to social networks during the International Open Access Week!

              • Libraries @BibliotecaETSAB, @BiblioEEBE I la @BibliotecaCN They will broadcast the science open through Twitter and Instagram.
              • And every day, from 22 to 26 in October, participate in a MicroMOOC on Twitter where informative bulletins will be made through the account @moocmicro. The Tables will deal with different aspects of Open Access: general information, open publication, open data, open science ...
              • The schedules are: 
                - 10: 00h MicroMOOC in Catalan with the hashtag #OAMOOC
                - 12: 00h MicroMOOC in English with the hashtag #OAMOOC18
              • You can also follow it through the libraries of the #upc following the hashtags #OAweek2018#OpenAccessUPC

               Winning Horizon 2020 with Open Science  

              • Monday 22 October, from 13pm to 14pm webinar on open science and H2020 projects: "Winning Horizon 2020 with Open Science", by Ivo Grigorov (FOSTER and Technical University of Denmark).
              • The aim of the webinar is to support researchers who will soon present H2020 project proposals to include aspects of open science in their proposals. Pre-registration required. 
              • Previously, it is recommended to follow the recommended presentations. 
              • Inscriptions (indicating if you want an individual query) to: Open Science Clinique
              • More information about the webinar
              • Access to webinar  Enter as a guest, fill out the name and click Enter room. 

              Workshop: "MDPI and the future of open access"   

              • Tuesday, October 23, from 12 to 13:30 p.m., workshop "MDPI and the future of open access", by Antonio Peteira del MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), publisher of open access scientific journals.
              • Attendees will enjoy an additional discount (20%) if they publish an article in their journals, plus the 10% that the publisher applies to the institutional members.
              • The workshop is free and in Spanish and will be held at the 'Aula Capella de l'ETSEIB (Campus Sud).
              • Registration is required through this form.

              Research Café in the EPSEVG and EPSEB libraries  

              Datasets a UPCommons  

              • Why publish datasets in open and why a UPCommons? The teacher David Parcerisa of the Polytechnic College of Manresa (EPSEM) explains in a video Your experience of publishing datasets on UPCommons.

              The open science explained in ...? 

              • A tweet, a post, a preprint, a movie, a mooch and a book. One infografia which allows access to different resources to know what is open science.  

              Do we play with open access?

              • Open Access Jeopardy Game: online game developed by Pollak Library Open Access Team at California State University, Fullerton. Will you get the maximum score?

              What are the most quoted open articles? The most consulted theses and TFEs?

              The libraries of the EEBE and the EPSEB and the BRGF present different studies that show the academic works with the greatest impact.

              Exhibitions of open access magazines in EPSEB and FNB 

              • In the hall of the FNB you will find an exhibition with a selection of nautical magazines to which you can access through a QR code.
              • In the EPSEB, the sample collects open access magazines on building, highlighting those where the School's PDI has published.

              Library activities UPC

              • Throughout the week, the libraries of the UPC Broadcasting of open access: journals to publish, etc. For any questions about open access, contact 

              Micro-mooc over Open Access: Follow it on #OAMOOC via @moocmicro    

              Workshop: "Behind the Scenes of Academic Publishing: A Publisher's Perspective"  

              • Last 24 Tuesdays from October, from 11 to 13h, in the TR1 Conference Room of the Terrassa Campus, the "workshop on the academic publication process" took place in charge of MDPI, publishing of scientific magazines in open access of multidisciplinary field. You can see the presentations:
              • Attendees will enjoy an additional discount (20%) until October 2019 if you publish an article in their journals, plus the 10% that the publisher applies to institutional members.
              • Registration was required through this form.

              Talk: "European Perspective on Open Access: Open Data" 

              • On Tuesdays 24 last October at 15 h, at the Library of the University Campus of Manresa (BCUM), there was a talk on research data by the professor David Parcerisa of the Polytechnic College of Manresa and of Roser Gómez, responsible for the research of the BCUM.

              Lecture: "Open access and the dissemination of research in social networks"  

              • Last Thursday 26 at 18 h, at the Polytechnic School Library Vilanova i la Geltrú, a conference was given by Javier Polinario, author of "How to spread science through social media." The book is about how to disseminate scientific content through social media and blogs, open access, and alternative metrics.

              Articles UPC Most mentioned published in 2016 in open access

              • The Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library has published a new edition of the study: Open accessibility of articles UPC Posted in 2016. Present the most popular 28 articles and the degree of openness on platforms such as UPCommons,, ResearchGate and the publishing website ... 
              • The results show that 20 of the most cited articles 28 published in 2016 are in open access and among these, the most cited articles 11.

              Academic work ofUPCommons more consulted

              • What are the academic works of the UPC most consulted The statistics ofUPCommons show which 75 open access titles have received more visits.

              "Last call to visibility" at the EEBE Library 

              • With the "Last call to visibility" campaign, the Library of the School of Engineering of East Barcelona (EEBE), offers support to the researchers to create the ORCID and other indentificadores necessary to give greater visibility to the scientific production. Contact with before 31 in October!.

              Research data management: good practices 

              10 reasons to post on UPCommons

              Open access to the BCBL: 2016-2017

              • Magazines where the ESAB and EETAC PDI have been published 

              Library activities UPC

              • During the whole week of open access, the libraries of the UPC They have spread open access: journals to publish, etc. For any questions about open access, contact 

              Workshop "Publish in open in journals of the editorial Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)" 

              • Last Wednesday 26, from 12: 00 to 13: 30h on 'Master Class (Campus Nord - UPC), the workshop took place MDPI and publication in open access Addressed to University Researchers by MDPI, an editorial that publishes open-access and multidisciplinary scientific journals. For more information, consult the section Editorials with discounts for the UPC
              • Attendees will enjoy an additional 25% discount, until November of 2018, if they publish an article in any of their magazines.
              • Callus pre-registration.

              ORCID Day 

              • Last Wednesday 26, from 10: 30 to 16: 30h, the Library of theETSAB (School of Architecture of Barcelona), organized a stand in the hall of the School with information about the identifier ORCID and open access magazines in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction.

              Lecture "Post open"

              Tool for developing a Data Management Plan

              • Within the framework of CSUC (Consorci de Servicios Universitarios de Catalunya), universities have adapted the tool DMP Online of the Digital Curation Center, which serves as a template to generate a data management plan, mandatory requirement from the 2017 for all H2020 funded projects.
              • You have to sign up for the application and the system keeps the different plans prepared by each researcher.

              Articles UPC Most mentioned published in 2015 in open access

              • The Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library has prepared the document Open accessibility of articles UPC published in 2015: analysis of the most cited articles 25, where the 25 articles published in the 2015 most mentioned are presented and the degree of opening to different platforms, such as UPCommons,, ResearchGate and the publishing website.
              • The results of the analysis show that 20 of the most cited articles 25 published in 2015 are in open access; Among these, the 11 most cited articles.

              New version of the educational content repository UPC OpenCourseWare (OCW)

              • The new version of the tool is launched to publish educational contents in open access UPC OCW.
              • Pioneering initiative, born in MIT at 2001, to show the content and use of university content in its teaching activity on the Internet and in open access, favoring its visibility and reuse.

              New version of the Magazines service UPC

              • The scientific journal and its articles are, still today, the main instrument to disseminate the results of the research. The universities, and among them the UPC, are among the great publishers of academic journals.
              • In the 2013 year, the SBPA launched the portal Journals UPC, which provides all the university publishers that want to use it, an effective tool for the optimization of their publishing processes. During the open access week, a new version of the service is put into operation, which greatly improves its performance.

              OpenAIRE Webinars 

              Under the slogan "Open in Action", OpenAIRE programmed a series of webinars held every day during the week of open access to 12h .:
              • Monday 24: "The fundamentals of Open Science" imparted by Tony Ross-Hellauer (OpenAIRE, University of Goettingen), Paola Masuzzo (Ghent University) and Chris Hartgerink (Tilburg University).
              • Tuesday 25: "H2020 Open Access mandate for project coordinators and researchers" imparted by Eloy Rodrigues and Pedro Principe (University of Minho).
              • Wednesday 26: "Open Research Data in H2020 and Zenodo repository" imparted by Marjan Grootveld (DANS) and Krzysztof Nowak (CERN).
              • Thursday 27: "Policies for Open Science: webinar for research managers and policy makers" imparted by Marina Angelaki and Alma Swan (PASTEUR4OA) and Tony Ross-Hellauer (OpenAIRE).
              • Friday 28: "OpenAIRE guidelines and broker service for repository managers" (Friday 28) taught by Pedro Principe (University of Minho) and Paolo Manghi (CNR/ISTI).

              To participate in webinars, what is needed to register previously

              Conference on "Research data and compliance with the mandate of the Law of Science" 

              • On Wednesday 26 Rebiun, the University Libraries Network, organized an act to present different experiences on the management of research data and the results of the Report on the fulfillment of the mandate to publish open article 37 of the Law of The science. The event took place at the Carlos III University and it was possible track by streaming.
              • More information on the web of REBIUN
              • You can check them Infographics Made by REBIUN 

              Data in open access

              Publish in Open access

              Magazines with impact factor and other quality indicators

              • Selection of journals in open access and with impact factor for the different subject areas of the UPC.
              • You can also see the covers of a selection of magazines in Catalog of the Libraries of the UPC.

              Round table online REBIUN-UNED

              La Network of University Libraries CRUE (REBIUN / CRUE) and the National University of Distance Education (UNED) organized an online round table during the open access week:

              Friday, 23 October, 15: 00-16: 00h

              • Collaborative science and open access: repositories as an E-Science tool.
              • Participants have been members of the REBIUN Repository Working Group: Isabel Calzas González (UNED), Victoria Rasero Merino (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Tránsito Ferreras Fernádez (Universidad de Salamanca), José Manuel Barrueco (Universidad de Valencia), Jordi Prats (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).


              Check the open access infographics prepared by the Network of University Libraries CRUE (REBIUN / CRUE) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)

              Open International Access Week

              • Check out the international events that were held this year during the Open Access Week under the slogan "Open for Collaboration"
              • At national level you can check the actions in OAW2015

              Eight reasons to post on UPCommons

              Publication of the 8 infographic reasons to post on UPCommons in Catalan, Spanish and English.

              Magazines with impact factor and other quality indicators     

              • Schoice of them magazines in open access and with impact factor for the different thematic areas.

              OpenAIRE Webinars

              OpenAIRE in collaboration with the project FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) organize webinars related to Open Access Mandate and Open Data for Research.

              Monday 20 October, 15: 00 h

              Tuesdays 21 October, 15: 00 h

              Wednesday 22 October, 15: 00 h

              Thursday 23 October, 15: 00 h

              • Zenodo by Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN).

              Do you want the Open Access Button?

              •   Aremained theOpen Access Button in your bookmarks to report that you can not access the articles that interest you. 

              Online seminars FECYT-REBIUN

              La Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Network of University Libraries CRUE (REBIUN / CRUE) organize during the open access week online seminars that you can consult through the platform SocialBiblio

              Wednesday 22 October, 10: 00h

              Thursday 23 October, 10: 00h

              Friday 24 October, 10: 00h

              Online seminars 

              La Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Network of University Libraries (REBIUN) organized during the week of theOpen access through the platform SocialBiblio, four seminars Online and a roundtable to promote the benefits of open access between the academic community and researcher. 

              You can check all the information about it program of activities on the FECYT page.

              Videoconferencing with Eelco Ferwerda

              Eelco Ferwerda is president of theAssociation of European University Presses and director of the project Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN). 1995 is dedicated to the electronic publication and the open publication model. In recognition of his work for OAPEN he received the Dutch prize SURFshare Open Access.

              Round table: Post open

              • The last 23 in October took place one roundtable Addressed to the researchers of the UB and the UPC and also of other collectives, with the aim of making the authors aware of the benefits of publishing openly.
              • You can check them presentations a UPCommons.

              Sign the Declaration in favor of the right to open research

              • Do you think open access should be the preferred publishing model among the scientific community? Do you think that researchers, universities, governments and research funding agencies should support the publication openly?
              • With these questions, the libraries of the UPC They wanted to encourage students to sign the Declaration in favor of the right to open research. Read the Catalan translation of "The Right to Research Coalition".

              Magazines in open access and with impact factor

              • The thematic librarians have made a selection (not exhaustive) of open access magazines and with an impact factor for the thematic areas of teaching and research of the UPC.

              Participate! Libraries ask

              • With the objective of knowing in what channels of communication the researchers of the UPC, a survey was conducted during the Open Access Week. Results: open access public?

              Videoconferencing with Grace Baynes

              Grayce Baynes is Public Relations of Nature Publishing Group (NPG), one of the most prestigious publishers of scientific publications with a high impact factor in the field of physics, chemistry, applied sciences and clinical medicine. 

              You can see the presentation of Grace Baynes where he talks about the policy of related Nature with open access 

              Virtual space to make inquiries and resolve doubts

              Pep Simó, founder of several open access publications, member of the Open Access Scholarly Publisher Association (OASPA) and lecturer at the Department of Business Organization of the UPC, has resolved doubts about open access throughout the week.

              Magazine prices where it is most published

              Graphic representation of the subscription cost of those publications where the POI of the UPC It has published more during the 2008-2010 period.

              Informative pills 

              Open access according to ...

              Why is open access important ?: Some members of the UPC they think

              Comments about open access

              Interview with the professor of the Department of Physics Applies, Enrique Garcia Berro

              Last October of 2009, the Library, Publications and Archives Service interviewed Professor Enrique Garcia Berro to discuss the international movement that promotes open access to the results of the investigations.


              Last update: 08 / 10 / 2024