
Types of documents

A document is all knowledge set on a support that can be used for consultation, study, etc.

Types of documents

Didactic work that presents the basic notions of a science, discipline or the knowledge required in the teaching programs.

Detailed study of a particular subject. Libraries are used as a synonym for book or volume.

Collection of papers presented at a conference, congress, etc. Normally it includes the recording of the interventions, discussions, communications and other documents related to a congress or meeting.

Unpublished document that describes the results of an investigation or the state of a scientific or technical problem.

Technological document, scientifically and technologically proven, that regulates certain properties that must be met by products, technological processes, etc. and that is approved by a competent body that gives official status (ISO, AENOR, ITU ...).

Document that describes meticulously an invented device or product. It can be used provided it is for private use and for no commercial purpose, for example, to experience.

Electronic copy of a scientific document. Includes magazine articles, presentations, book chapters, etc. They can take the form of preprints (when they have not yet been reviewed) or postprints (if they have already been reviewed).

Academic work that must be submitted to obtain a degree from technical engineer or superior.

Work drafted in doctoral studies. The objective is to contribute new knowledge within a discipline and advance science.

Document that contains the description of the products of a company.

The documents can be:

Primaris: they contain the original information of the authors. Eg: monograph, thesis ...

Secondary: they include the bibliographic references of the original documents, but the full text of the documents is not directly accessed. Eg: bibliography

Last update: 29 / 11 / 2018