
BIBtip: Beyond Google

BIBtip: Beyond Google

45' training for Meet aimed at Bachelor and Master students but open to the whole community UPC. Practical workshop with time to ask questions and solve queries.


  • Discover the use of Web of Science and Scopus to identify the impact of a paper (citations) or publication (impact indicators)
  • Discover the use of Web of Science and Scopus to identify open access publications
  • Increase knowledge and use of the Web of Science and Scopus databases

New BIBtips will be scheduled next semester.

We will announce it at Bibliotècnica, X almost your library.

Price: Free for members UPC. External: €25

Addressed to: Undergraduate, Master's students

Keywords: BIBtip, Information search, Information resources, Rumb TFE

More information: 

This course is also recommended for students participating in the service TFE course to consolidate the competence 'Solvent use of information resources'.