
The Library's collection consists of about 40.000 volumes of free access distributed over two floors. Upstairs are the new acquisitions, the engineering, architecture, construction and urban planning books, the cartography collection, the large format collection and the magazine collection. On the lower floor are books on other subjects and final year projects published between 2000 and 2008. In addition, users UPC The collections of the rest of the collections are at your disposal Libraries UPC.


In addition to the physical collection, the Libraries of the UPC They are subscribed to the Digital Library of Catalonia, a whole collection of electronic journals, electronic books i databases accessible through the search engine Discovery

The collaboration agreement signed between the family of the architect José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat and the ETSAV has made it possible to make available to the research and scientific community the collection of documents from his professional study, the Fund Digital Coderch. The Coderch Digital Fund is launched with a dual purpose. On the one hand, to preserve and preserve the legacy of one of the most important Catalan architects of the XNUMXth century. On the other hand, to encourage the study, analysis and research of his architectural work.

The documentary collection, processed and digitized covers from 1941 to 1978 and, among others, you can find the original documentation relating to such well-known works as the Torre Valentina urbanization, the Trade buildings, or the extension of the Barcelona School of Technical Architecture. The Coderch Digital Collection is characterized by a generous documentary typology that, among others, includes: invoices and receipts, photographs of the work, personal photographs, memoirs, sketches, drawings, plans, correspondence, notes, drawings, etc.

Digital Coderch Fund


The Coderch Digital Fund and its digitized fund can be consulted from a computer of the ETSAV Library during its opening hours. Likewise, the documents and images of interest can be printed. The documents are printed in A4 format (0,20 € per page) and images in A3 format (0,35 € per page). In order to be able to print the images, a form must be filled in, where the applicant's personal data must be recorded, the justification that motivates the search, the relationship of the printed documents and a compromise as there will be no commercial exploitation of the documents and that its use will be limited to teaching or research uses.

The ETSAV Library has been incorporated into UPCommons final degree projects, final degree projects (portfolios) and final master's theses from 2008 onwards. Provided the author has authorized it, these works are accessible online. The works prior to 2008 are cataloged and can be consulted on site at the Library.

Jobs can also be searched by geolocation through GEOcommons.

From the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, students who defend their final project (TFG-TFM) do not need to carry out any formalities with the Library regarding its delivery. The work will be stored in UPCommons automatically with the conditions of consultation that you have indicated during the deposit process. It is necessary, however, that you make the double deposit (documentary and administrative) through Atenea TFE / e-Secretary. Once evaluated and approved, the deposit a UPCommons it guarantees its preservation, the ease of access and consultation, the generation of contacts with people interested in your work and the protection against plagiarism. If you want to modify the method of access to a work already published a UPCommons (from open access to closed oviceversa) the permit previously granted must be revoked through the application available at the electronic headquarters of the UPC.

If you submitted your work before the second semester of the 2020/21 academic year but now you want to apply for the degree, contact us (biblioteca.etsav@upc. Edu) and we will provide you with a space in the cloud to deposit it. Once we have hung it up UPCommons we will inform you and the Academic Secretary so that you can manage the degree.



6 steps to make your TFG / TFM a success

The Library receives about 100 paper journals and most titles can be borrowed. The titles of the journals that are lent according to the place of publication can be located on the map and it gives an idea of ​​the geographical coverage of this collection.



In recent years, the gender perspective in the field of architecture and urban planning has become relevant. For this reason, the Library has created a collection specializing in documents that seek to distort the hierarchical character historically attributed to the relationship between genres.

Architecture and genre

Since its beginnings, the Library has incorporated into it valuable valuable reference works that have, over time, become authentic collectors' pieces. In the Reserve section, you will find, among others, the following titles: 


The Library has an important collection of antique books of great interest for the study of the history of architecture. The collection comes from books that were used in the School, in its beginnings, and also from donations made by various architects at the end of their professional life. In total there are more than half a thousand books, the oldest of which dates from 1808, although most are from the first half of the twentieth century.

Historic background at BETSAV

The Library has a collection of portfolios of different sizes and materials that can serve as a reference for students who must present this work at the end of the Degree in Architecture.


The ETSAV Materials Library makes available to the university community a collection of samples of materials used in the field of architecture and construction. It is accompanied by guides, which collect information resources such as books, articles, theses but also other information of interest such as, for example, architects or companies.

Thematic guides by types of materials: 

Ceramics Whip glass Stone Metal
Precast concrete Gomes Textiles and knitwear Insulators waterproofing


The Library has a collection of board games, available for loan by the whole community UPC. We lend you these games for 2 days. 


Table games

This month's review of "Todo bajo el sol" by Ana Penyas


Using the life of a working-class Valencian family as a guiding thread, Ana Penyas draws the transformation that the Spanish coast underwent with the entry of foreign tourism, facilitated by the dictatorship from the 70s and which was long and painful for the people, whose previous generations lived in those villages surrounded by gardens, in neighborhoods that were true communities and working very hard on the land to have a decent life.

Through her illustrations, Ana Penyas shows us the brutal change experienced by the families who were expelled from their roots to build without measure for the benefit of a corrupt system that, today, is still in force and that has fueled enormous gentrification.

His vignettes are simple. He uses a mixture of techniques such as collage or photographic transfer which consists of pasting photos onto the page and coloring it, in a way that very faithfully reproduces the aesthetics of the period, advertising billboards and objects that are they have become clichéd souvenirs of a country that no longer exists.

The author is able to make both a social complaint, a critique of the policy of urban speculation and a portrait of the situation of the neighborhoods at the end of the 20th century with all the existing problems: drugs and the precariousness of the youth.

Winner of the prize for the Best National Work in 2021, this graphic novel is essential, it reads very fluidly and manages to convey all the injustice that, in fact, has not stopped occurring.

More information

If you are missing a book in our collection, you need a book that we do not have or think that some other resource could be of interest to the university community, contact the Library to assess its possible acquisition or subscription

Last update: 04 / 06 / 2024