
The Oriol Bohigas Library of theETSAB It is specialized in documentation and information resources in the field ofarchitecture, construction, town planning, landscaping, sustainability, Article i design.

You can find these resources with the search engine DiscoveryUPC the databases i UPCommons.

To study

Basic and complementary bibliography recommended by the teaching staff in the teaching guide for the undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught at theETSAB.


Access to the bibliography

Publications made in the departments of theETSAB to support the subjects. A part of this collection is accessible online.


Access to online notes

Access to the notes

Bibliographies prepared by the Library on topics of architecture, construction and urban planning. You will find specific bibliographies about buildings and urban aspects of the city of Barcelona and other generalities on cartography, sustainability, types of housing, etc.


Access to thematic guides


Zone video UPC: collection ETSAB

Zonavideo UPC is the platform that replaces the Video library UPCommons


El camera rental and video editing service of the library is responsible for editing your academic recordings and publishing them on the platform Zonavideo.

La video library ETSAB a UPCommons remain open without entering new records.

The works presented from the month of February of the year 2020 are deposited through the Online deposit


  • Be sure to file the final version of the work
  • Do not include the author declaration form or personal data (DNI, telephone numbers, signature, etc.) in the text of the work, portfolio or video
  • Always fill in the summary section
  • Monitor the weight of single files, fragment the TFE into parts to make it easier to query


What needs to be done to deposit academic work from years prior to 2020 in the Library?

The students of theETSAB authors of:

  • Final Project of Career (Plan 1994)
  • Final Project of Degree (Plan 2010)
  • Final Degree Project (2014 Plan)
  • MArqEtsaB Final Project (Plan 2014)
  • Final Work of the MBArch
  • Final Work of the MBLandArch
  • Master's Degree in Design

You need to deposit a digital copy of your work in the repository of academic papers.UPCommons

To be able to deposit these works you have to deliver to the library:

To complete the deposit process, the Library of theETSAB will request the written permission of the tutor, validating that the content of the files submitted by the author corresponds to that of the work presented and evaluated.


What to do to consult deposited academic papers?

The works presented from 2008 with the qualification of excellent and all the presented approved without distinction of qualification from 2020, can consult in digital format in open access to the deposit Academic work UPC .

In addition to previous years' works available at UPCommons, in the Library of theETSAB The PFCs are in paper format.

The conditions for consulting these works in the library are:

  • They cannot be scanned for conservation reasons
  • They are consulted on the -1 floor and must be requested at the Bibliographic Information desk
  • Those that have the topographic type "ETSAB-PFC nº-C ”are large format and are preserved in the Graphic Archive


Related content

Guidelines for preparing the TFG (recommendations of the Library Service UPC)

Requirements and academic regulations regulating the academic work of theETSAB


The Library has more than 700 maps and maps of Barcelona, ​​Catalonia, mainly, at various stages and different periods. They can be consulted in the Map Library of the plant -1 of the Library.


Digital cartography

The Library has developed one thematic guide with a selection of digital cartography of Barcelona and Catalonia and other parts of the world.

Patrimonial collections

Specialized documentation center with heritage collections that include photographs, objects, drawings and original drawings by Antoni Gaudí and his collaborators (Josep Ma Jujol, Joan Matamala, Josep Costa "Picarol" and Ricard Opisso). 

Gaudí Chair 

For the consultation of the archive funds, address your request to

Some of these funds are digitized and can be consulted at Digital Memory of Catalonia.

  Gaudí Chair

The Gaudí Chair has a specialized bibliographic collection available in the catalog of the libraries of the UPC using the DiscoveryUPC

For your consultation at the Chair, ask them to

This archive is the result of the will of the School to preserve part of the documentary production generated by its teaching activity during its long history. Exercises of all kinds and origins have been preserved, especially final career projects from 1875. Prior to the creation of the School, we found exercises and projects carried out to obtain the title of master of works and surveyor in the School of Masters of Works and Directors of Veinals (1850-1855) School of Surveyors and Surveyors (1855-1858) and the Special School of Construction Workers (1859-1872).

For the consultation of these funds, send us your request by sending an email to 

Some of the collections of the Graphic Archive are digitized and can be consulted in the Digital Memory of Catalonia:

Projects of master builders (1858-1872)  

Surveyor Maps (1848-1883)

The historical collections of the Oriol Bohigas Library of theETSAB they include magazines and books published between 1515 and 1950.

See all the information about these funds on the web.


Historical collection of the Library of theETSAB

Bibliography related to our School and its long history.


Access to the thematic guide

Access to the collection

The Manuel Ribas i Piera personal library deposited in the Library of the Barcelona Technical School of Architecture, consists of more than 750 titles published between the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries


Access to the collection

Access to the website Manuel Ribas Piera

Special collections

Selection of novels set in Barcelona




Access to the collection

Selection of films where architecture is present as a leading element, as well as other recommended films in the subjects and series of conferences held at the 'ETSAB.




Access to the collection

Access to the collection via Pinterest


The collection includes books about women's relationship with architecture. On the one hand, books about women architects and, on the other, books that deal with architecture and urban planning from a gender perspective.

Interesting links
  • Architexx: Canadian organization specializing in gender equality in architecture
  • Parlor: gender, equity, architecture
  • ICAG: VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender, 1973-2023 Archive (International) of Women in Architecture
  • Muwo: women in Spanish (post)modern architecture: 1965-2000
  • CUG: Archive of projects with an urbanism and gender perspective / CUG, Perspective and Gender Chair
  • Magazine.ZARCH 2022, no. 18: Women, feminist practices and alternative professionals in architecture
  • International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA)

  • One day, an architect



Access to the collection


Access to thematic guides


Access to final works


Do you want to propose an architect / urban planner?


Access to Pinterest

Selection of memoirs, interviews, conversations and aphorisms related to literature, art and architecture



Access to the collection

Collection of architecture and travel guides from around the world





Access to the collection

Introducing the new collection of Architecture Board Games from the Library. Borrow them!


Check availability

More information


More information

With the search engine DiscoveryUPC, you can check the availability of all the materials of the Libraries UPC.

Last update: 19 / 04 / 2024