Jaume Rosell Colomina

Jaume Rosell Colomina, Tremp (Pallars Jussà) 1945.

He completed his studies as a surveyor in 1966 and worked until 1977 in the field of architecture and construction. From 1977 to 1983 he directed the magazine Cau. Construction, Architecture, Urbanism del Col·legi d'Aparelladors de Barcelona. L'any 1978 va entrar a treballar de professor a l'Escola Universitària d'Arquitectura Tècnica de Barcelona, aviat a temps complet. Llicenciat en Història Contemporània l'any 1989 i doctorat en Arquitectura el 1994, va continuar, fins a la jubilació l'any 2016, fent de professor: en l'actual EPSEB, en els cursos de doctorat vinculats a l'ETSAB, and also partially collaborated between 1998 and 2005, at the La Salle School of Architecture in Barcelona. He is the author of several publications that show a preferential interest in the relationship between construction and architecture throughout history.
In 2014 he received the award for his teaching career Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Its production is available through Future: Portal of the Scientific Production of the Researchers of the UPC.

Publications by Jaume Rosell

Last update: 07 / 11 / 2023