Jaume Rosell Colomina Collection

This fund corresponds to the donation that Jaume Rosell Colomina, professor at the Polytechnic School of Building of Barcelona for 38 years, has made to the EPSEB Library. These are about 2700 titles, mainly books, some magazines, pamphlets, works, etc.
These documents make up a fund specializing in the history of architecture and construction. Of course, not all books are history books, but even if they do not refer to them, they are books - usually art, technique or simply architecture - that are the main subject and object of the history of architecture and of the construction, and suppose a suitable knowledge for a school of building and for the schools of architecture in general.
In short, it is an accumulated material that reflects, in the dimension and in the thematic of his parts, the work of the professor in the regular courses, in the ones of máster, in the investigations and in the direction of theses and diverse works .

Last update: 07 / 11 / 2023