My Account

My Account


Access My Account from the link Menu at the top right of the screen and selecting My Account.

If you haven’t done so before, you’ll need to validate yourself. If you have problems validating yourself, you will find more information in this one enllaç.

From my account, you can:

  • See a summary of your lending activity
  • Renew loans
  • Manage your reservations
  • View personalized library notices and accrued penalties
  • View your personal data

My account is also available fromApp UPC. Click the Your library link in the Your space section to: 

  • Manage your loans: see the due date of your loans and renew them. Does not include PUC loans
  • Manage your requests: you can see the status of your reservations or cancel them if you are no longer interested
  • Consult the accumulated penalties and the date on which they end


The home page of my account shows an overview of your lending activity, organized into different sections:


You can browse the different sections by selecting the top tab or clicking on any of the records displayed on this screen.

Here you will find the list of books you have on loan and the date on which you must return them. You can see more information about each of the loans by clicking on the arrow on the right side.

You can renew your loans, one at a time or all at once, if the following conditions are met:

  • you have not exhausted the maximum number of possible renewals (you have 6 renewals per document)
  • you have no overdue loans (if you have an overdue loan, a red clock is displayed next to the word Loans)
  • you have no sanction
  • the document has no reservations from other users

The Renew option no longer appears if these conditions are not met.

In this section you can consult the documents you have reserved and see their status. You can sort your reservations by state or by title.

When the library has the books you have booked ready, you will receive an email notification to pick it up. And you will see the symbol for a green bell next to the word Requests.


You can also cancel a reservation if you no longer need it.

In this section you will find information about your sanctions and the date on which they end.

You can also find some personal notice from the library. 

If you have a sanction or a warning, you will see the symbol of a red flag next to the text Sanctions + warnings.

Contains information about your user registration: contact email, the expiration date of your user status.

You can also change the default language in which you view DiscoveryUPC.

Tutorial: My account

Last update: 08 / 09 / 2023