Advanced search

Advanced Search allows you to specify additional lines and define filters before performing the search.


advanced search

 You can add up to seven lines.

  • Select the profile where you want to retrieve content 
  • Field selector: you can search in any field or in a particular one (title, subject, ISBN ..)
  • Search type: allows you to define the search fields with the terms used
    • contains: returns results that contain all the words used 
    • is (exact): returns results that contain sentences exactly with the sentences specified in the query 
    • starts with: returns results that begin with the specified word string
  • Type the term, terms or phrase to search for: you can use Boolean operators
  • You can limit by document type, language and date range. 
Each search line can be combined with the Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR)

Tutorial: How to Search for Documents Using Advanced Search

Last update: 05 / 04 / 2023