Final projects CampusLAB

CampusLAB it's a program UPC which links the students' learning, the knowledge and tutoring of the PDI and the expertise of the technical management staff to improve the sustainability of the campuses of the UPC.

Libraries collaborate with the program with a individualized support to students who take a TFE CampusLAB, offering advice and guidance from a librarian on books, magazines, databases, bibliographic references, etc. 


The libraries UPC they allow you to access the information resources you need in your field of study. They guide you on the most relevant resources and services in your subject. In addition, you can also contact a team of librarians who will be able to help you resolve your doubts.


    They will be useful for:

    • Locate journal articles, paper or electronic books, databases, regulations, patents and other relevant resources in your subject area.
    • Contact the specialist librarians.
    • Improve your information search process.


      Libraries UPC

    Ethics Committee of the UPC

    It is very important that before starting the TFE, you make sure that the content and development of your research work does not contain any kind of ethical binding.

    The University has the Ethics Committee which is responsible, among other aspects, for advising on the ethical aspects that are applicable to the different areas of action of the University, and for evaluating them.

      Ethics Committee of the UPC

      University of the Balearic Islands:
      Plagiarism and academic honesty
      (video series on YouTube) 

      Plagiarism is the false attribution of a work or part of it. Therefore, it is plagiarism to include in one's own work a part of the work of another who has not been cited.

      As the creator of a new work, you must bear in mind that, to avoid possible plagiarism, you can only include ideas from other authors, fragments of works or images from third parties by way of citation.

      Therefore, you should always note the bibliography of the sources consulted and / or quoted, which will allow you to include the bibliography at the end of your work (bibliography that will allow readers to locate the original sources).










      Learn to cite and create bibliographies

      Research data are the numerical, textual, image or sound records that are used as primary sources for scientific research and that are commonly accepted to validate the conclusions and results of a research by the scientific community. Research data can be experimental data, observational data, operational data, third party data, public sector data, monitoring data, processed data or reused data. Font: codate


      If you will work with research data in your TFE, you may first have to pay if you will need a Data Management Plan (PGD) specifying how you will collect it, where you will publish it, etc.










        In addition, these data must comply with the FAIR principles and be:

        • findable (found)
        • Accessible (accessible)
        • interoperable (Interoperable)
        • Reusable (Reusable)

        Management of research data in the UPC

        Once the evaluation process of the academic works has been completed, these and/or the results of the project are published in open access to UPCommons as indicated by Academic Regulations of the UPC.

        When the student who writes an academic paper disseminates it through UPCommons, assigns its right of public communication to the University in a non-exclusive manner.

        This means that the University is only authorized to publish the work in its own repositories, while the student remains the exclusive holder of the rights which, as such, can perform any other act of exploitation or assignment of rights. For example, the author of the work is the only person who can translate the work, publish it for commercial purposes, or grant it a Creative Commons license.

        To facilitate the use of the work deposited in UPCommons or at TDX, the student can award one of the six Creative Commons usage licenses. In this way, users know the specific uses they can make of the works without having to ask permission from the corresponding authors.


          Intellectual property of academic works UPC

        Last update: 12 / 06 / 2024