FIB Academic Works

La Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (BRGF) I la Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona (FIB) they present FIB Academic Works, an analysis of the academic production of this type that is deposited in UPCommons.

The systematic work that the library has been carrying out since 2007 to preserve and index this material, now allow a study of its main features from a documentary set of more than 3300 documents.

FIB Academic Works provides general information on the set of documents analyzed, but also more detailed approaches to the publications that stand out for the amount of queries received and / or the amount of downloads of its content that have been accumulating since its publication until to the present (June of 2019).

The academic work of the different degrees materializes an intellectual wealth of great importance for the FIB, and for the UPC in general, that it had not been treated so far in the terms in which this study does so, allowing an unprecedented approach to one of the strengths that the FIB can exhibit in the university environment of our country.

General data about the current degree and degrees not valid

Degree Specialties in Computer Engineering


Number of final grade works according to specialties


Number of inquiries for final degree projects according to specialties


Number of downloads for final degree projects according to specialties


Degrees not in force

Amount of final year studies according to degrees


Number of consultations for final year studies according to degrees


Amount of downloads for final year studies according to degrees


Interactive node maps

Interactive map of the 150 authors with studies of the most consulted study end with degree / specialty distinction

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively consulted end-of-year project. The size of the nodes indicates the number of queries in your work accumulated to date. The query number is explained below the name of each author.
  • We collect and distinguish all the degrees and specialties linked to the FIB and present at UPCommons: in yellow the set of engineering degrees and extinct technical engineering, in green the extinct masters group, in blue the set of specialties of the current degrees and in Lilac the group of masters currently in force.

Interactive map of the 150 most consulted study end works with a distinction of language

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively consulted end-of-year project. The size of the nodes indicates the number of queries in your work accumulated to date. The query number is explained below the name of each author.
  • All the languages ​​used for the publication of these works are collected and distinguished: In blue, Catalan, yellow in English and green in Spanish.

Interactive map of the 150 most consulted study end works with distinction of access restriction

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively consulted end-of-year project. The size of the nodes indicates the number of queries in your work accumulated to date. The query number is explained below the name of each author.
  • The following restrictions on access to these works are collected and distinguished: In green the open access and in red the closed access to the content of the document.

Interactive map of the 150 tutors with the most consulted study endings

  • Each node is dedicated to a tutor who has directed a massively consulted study set. The size of the nodes indicates the amount of queries accumulated to the present time to the works tutored by each professor. The query number is explained below the name of each tutor.


List of the 150 FIB final study papers most consulted at UPCommons


Interactive map of the 150 authors with the most downloaded degree studies with distinction of degree / specialty

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively downloaded dissertation. The size of the nodes indicates the number of downloads of their work accumulated to date. The number of downloads is explained below the name of each author.
  • We collect and distinguish all the degrees and specialties linked to the FIB and present at UPCommons: in yellow the set of engineering degrees and extinct technical engineering, in green the extinct masters group, in blue the set of specialties of the current degrees and in Lilac the group of masters currently in force.

Interactive map of the 150 most downloaded final studies with a distinction of language

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively downloaded dissertation. The size of the nodes indicates the number of downloads of their work accumulated to date. The number of downloads is explained below the name of each author.
  • All the languages ​​used for the publication of these works are collected and distinguished: In blue, Catalan, yellow in English and green in Spanish.

Interactive map of the 150 tutors with the most downloaded study endings

  • Each node is dedicated to a tutor who has directed a series of massively downloaded study projects. The size of the nodes indicates the amount of downloads accumulated to the present time to the works tutored by each professor. The number of downloads is explained below the name of each tutor.


List of the 150 final work projects of the FIB most downloaded in UPCommons


Interactive map of the 10 documents of the most consulted study endings with distinction of the genre of the author / author

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively consulted end-of-year project. The size of the nodes indicates the number of queries in your work accumulated to date. The query number is explained below the name of each author.
  • They collect and distinguish the genre of the author of each work: in male green and in female lilac.

Graph of the chronological distribution of the visits to the 10 documents of the most consulted study end


Interactive map of the 10 most downloaded final study documents with distinction of the genre of the author / author

  • Each node is dedicated to the author of a massively downloaded study project. The size of the nodes indicates the amount of downloads in your work accumulated to date. The number of downloads is explained below the name of each author.
  • They collect and distinguish the genre of the author of each work: in male green and in female lilac.

Graph of the chronological distribution of the visits to the 10 most downloaded final study documents


La BRGF Thank you for the teacher's collaboration Joan Antoni Pastor, Vice Dean of Institutional and International Relations of the FIB, in the preparation of the report FIB Academic Works.
 FIB Academic Works is produced by BRGF am the suport of the Barcelona School of Informatics.


Last update: 11 / 12 / 2019