
0 plant

 You will find the information and loan service desk. 

The library has 40 lockers distributed between the lobbies of floor 0 and floor 1.

  • Floor 0: 16 small lockers and 8 large lockers for motorcycle/bike helmets and suitcases.  
  • Floor 1: (training room): 16 small lockers 


Operation of the service

  • All members of the community can use the lockers UPC while inside the library.

  • To use them you must ask for a key to loan desk, upon presentation of the card of the UPC. The key will be returned at the loan desk.

  • The “key loan” will not alter the total number of documents that can be borrowed.

  • Service hours are library opening hours. The key must be returned to the loan desk before 19:30 on the same day.

  • On days when the library has special hours, the key must be returned to the lending desk half an hour before the library closes.

  • The Library is not responsible for items stored in the locker that may disappear for any reason.

  • The delay in returning the locker key will be penalized: the user will not be able to use the loan of laptops and books, or the work rooms, until the key has been returned. Each day of delay in returning the key will be sanctioned with 5 days in the loan history and, once it is returned, you will not be able to borrow laptops or reserve work rooms for a week.

  • If the key is lost, the user must pay 10 euros.

  • No lockers will be lent to users whose loan service is blocked due to accumulation of fines or other causes.

Plants 1 and 2


The library offers 12 rooms addressed to its users who need a space for study or group work. 

The rooms are equipped with blackboards, and must be requested the case of markers and eraser to the loan staff (floor 0).





3 Rooms without prior reservation (floor 1)

3 rooms for group work without prior reservation

  • "Research" room - Training room (capacity for 20 people)
  • Room "Read" (capacity for 32 people)
  • "Study" room (capacity for 40 people). Inside this room there is a space for the service of model workshop
  • Computer room (capacity 20 people). It is not considered a group work room, but students can work in groups at specific times (project development...)

9 rooms with prior reservation (floor 2)

Rooms with exclusive prior reservation for the students of the UPC

  • 6 rooms for group work of 6 people (minimum capacity 3 and maximum 6)
  • 3 rooms of 2 people (minimum occupancy 1 and maximum 2)

Book a room 



Rooms 3, 4, 5 and 6 have one TV screen to project images, videos or any project. Consult them instructions to project Remember to ask at the desk on floor 0, the bag with the remote control and the HDMI cable

TV screen group work room



They have been installed air purifiers in each of the group work rooms. The user who reserves the room must be responsible for turning the device on or off (when he leaves the room, in the event that it is the last reservation of the day). Instructions are on top of the appliance.






    Terms of service at the BCBL Library

    The operation of the rooms is governed by the Conditions of use of the group work rooms. In addition, in the BCBL:

    • The maximum number of hours you can book in one day is 4h
    • The maximum number of hours you can book during a week is 20 h
    • Reservations are automatically canceled if the key has not been collected 15 minutes after the start time of the reservation.
    • The key must be returned to the loan desk at the end of the room's occupation. Returning the key late is grounds for a minor penalty, they apply 2 days penalty for each hour or fraction of delay.

    • The hours of occupation of the rooms will be during the regular hours of the Library. You must leave the room half an hour before closing time
    • Once the reservation has been made, go to the loan desk (floor 0), where you will collect the clau of the classroom and the bag with it blotter and the markers. At the end of the use of the room, you must return the key and the bag to the loan service
    • The room cannot be left empty while the reservation lasts (more than 10 minutes)
    • The 9 group work rooms on floor 2 include one indicator light If the time of use of the room is exceeded, a red light will be turned on as a reminder of the end of the reservation
    • Rooms 5 and 6 have one TV screen to project images, videos or any project.

    El model workshop is unique in the group work room "Read"

    El model car park it is located inside an internal use room of the lobby 


    More information

    1 plant

    General roomIn this room you will find the shelves with general collections and those related to field studies. 

    You will also find study points with tables with plugs to connect your computer or other devices. All the open space of the room is of work in silence


    Floor plan 1


    We offer you a room equipped with 21 computers for all users who are part of the university community UPC and other users authorized by the Head of the Library for uses exclusively related to teaching, research and learning activities. The opening hours of the room are the same as the opening hours of the library. 

    Computer room

    • In the classroom you will find these 3 different computer models:
      • 14 most current model computers HP 600 G6 with screens with integrated webcam
      • 5 model computers LENOVO M720 i5
      • 2 model computers LENOVO ThinkCentre M700
    • There are two ways to access the computer software:
    • userless access directly to the local desktop
    • access the virtual desktop RAVADA EETAC with your user ofAtenea UPC (accessed through the direct access you will find on the local desktop)
    • One of the computers in the computer room has scanner of public use (last row).


    Computer area floor 2

    On the 2nd floor you will also find 8 computers equipped with the same software as those in the computer room.

    If you are a student, PDI or PTGAS of the Campus del Baix Llobregat you can print your assignments from the self-service machines on the Campus, in the Library you will find one at the entrance of the building in front of the loan desk. In the EEABB and the EETAC you will also find self-service machines. See the instructions




    List of available software (September 2023)

    Windows 10 native software

     ACD / ChemSketch
    Adobe Reader
    Autocad 2023


    Forticent VPN
    Google Chrome
     IBM SPSS Statistics 29
    Libre Office
    Maple 2000
    Matlab R2023a
    Mendeley Desktop
    Microsoft Office Professional 2021
    Minitab 21.4
    NetBeans IDE
    Notepad + +
    NXlog (Monitoring software UPC)
    OCS Inventory Agent
    OpenGnsys Agent
    POV-Ray for Windows
    QGIS 3.28.8
    R for Windows
    SimaPro Demo


    The Library has a training room that currently functions as a group work room for students (not bookable). It is located on the 1st floor of the library, with capacity for 20 people.

    Classroom equipment

    • 1 computer for the trainer

    • 1 fixed projector cannon

    • Extenders in the rows of the tables

    • Installed Software: Basic software and Internet connection

    Use of the classroom

    • The use of this is intended as a group work room for students UPC (without reservation).
    • It can also be reserved for teachers or staff (PTGAS) of the Campus del Baix Llobregat  who need a space to carry out an educational activity of interest to the university community. If you are PTGAS or PDI and want to reserve the classroom, send an email to the library: 

    In this space you can rest, relax, have breakfast or a snack...

    you will find sofas and poufs very comfortable, shelves with general collections (DVDs, language learning materials, travel guides...). You will also find a section with bases to load your mobile devices.

    You can support your laptop or tablet with ours pillows and you will work more comfortably

    On the other left side of the hall you will find one coffee machine with tables with and stools to have a coffee ;-)  


    Audiovisual production room

    Need to submit your video resume? Want to record the content of one of your classes? Do you want to present your group work in video format? come to Audiovisual Production Service of the Campus of Baix Llobregat.

    In this room we offer you this addressed to the Community UPC.  

    The space has been launched with the collaboration of the EEABB, the EETAC, CBLTIC (Campus ICT Area), and the Campus Library of Baix Llobregat.

    The room is located in the Library of the Campus del Baix Llobregat (floor 1).

    Other audiovisual production centers of the UPC:




    In the space you can:
    - Record video and audio with the available equipment
    - Edit audiovisual material
    - Record and record podcasts







    How can I use it?

    The room is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Course 2023-2024) for the whole community UPC, in self-service mode.
    The first time you use it you will receive advice from the Campus technical staff.
    You can make the reservation like any other Library work room.


    Reserve the room 


    If you need to use the room at another time ask for an appointment:


    Prior appointment


    Audiovisual projects

    The Audiovisual Production Service can also help or advise you in the realization of audiovisual projects for teaching, research and the promotion of the university, you have all the information at AV Production Service UPC. For any other query you can contact:


    Personalized support


    See the lens assembly tutorial service presentation video


    Security and video surveillance

    The space is under video surveillance and with constant recording by the Campus surveillance service. Any user is informed of its functionality with the information posters. In case of misuse or damage to the material and equipment, the recordings will be accessed in order to identify those responsible. The penalties for misuse of the equipment and the space are detailed in the loan regulation of the Library Service.

    Audiovisual production room

    For any query or problem

    • Go to the loan desk of the Biblioteca la Planta 0 in the D7 building of the Campus.
    • Or call from the phone terminal in the room to extension 23544.

    Material and equipment

    Service manuals and operating instructions 

    Video editing software installed

    • Viewer discretion
    • KdenLive
    • OpenShot

    Video production templates/covers

    Examples of published videos


    Video posting

    • If you are PDI or PTGAS and want to publish your video(s) in open access contact the library so we can publish it in Zonavideo UPC
    • The videos that do not wish to be disseminated in open access, they must be published in other platforms from UPC
    • More information about posting videos to the UPC


    Copyright and image rights

    Legal aspects that must be taken into account when recording and/or broadcasting activities in which natural persons appear, in order to protect their right to honour, personal and family privacy and their own image. In particular, special mention is made of the recordings of classes, conferences, presentations or other academic activities specific to the university world.

    Free and free resources

    More information:


    2 plant

    General room on the 2nd floorIn this room you will find reading and study points with tables with plugs to connect your computer or other devices. All the open space of the room is of work in silence


    Floor plan 2

    Individual work boatsWe offer you two rows with several individual spaces to work on silence. The ships are equipped with table and chair, work light, and plugs. The boats are not reserved. Don't leave your belongings alone when you leave your individual space for a while. 


    Video of the individual ships

    You will find 6 computers to work on, with the same software as the computers in the computer room on floor 1. 


    Computer room

    Last update: 16 / 09 / 2024