FAQS on the publication and confidentiality of the Final Thesis

These FAQThey refer to the Final Project (TFE) of the Campus del Baix Llobregat (CBL) 

Once a TFE is qualified, it is automatically deposited in the terms that the author and tutor have determined in terms of dissemination and confidentiality. These FAQThey are referred to the doubts that may arise once the work is qualified and has followed the usual channel to deposit in UPCommons .

You can find information of interest on the final projects at: 6 steps to make your TFG or TFM a success

If you have any questions about this issue you can contact the library via the email address: biblioteca.cbl@upc. Edu

According to article 3.5 of the Academic regulations for undergraduate and master's degree studies UPC (NAGRAMA):

The TFG / TFM will be deposited in UPCommons in open access. The authors may indicate (if applicable) a license Creative Commons stating the conditions of use they authorize for their work.
In accordance with the informative objectives and principles defined in the Statutes of the UPC and with the requirements for public information and transparency of the academic results of bachelor's and master's degrees, in all cases the bibliographic data of the TFG/TFM must be published in open access.

Although the academic regulations of the UPC specific that the publication of the TFEs must be in open access by default (except for works that the tutor/centre determines to be confidential) it is possible to request that it be changed from open access to closed access. This procedure is carried out by the Academic Management of the UPC and must be carried out through a application form at the electronic headquarters of the UPC, which must be completed by the affected person.


More information: What are the benefits of publishing in open access?

According to article 3.5 of the Academic regulations for undergraduate and master's degree studies UPC (NAGRAMA):

  • UPCommons is the open knowledge portal of the UPC. All TFG/TFM are deposited and archived in UPCommons, the institutional repository of the UPC, in order to facilitate access, reproduction, consultation and loan for research and conservation purposes.
  • The TFG/TFM are deposited in UPCommons in open access. Authors can apply a Creative Commons license to it, with which they specify the conditions of use they authorize for their work. The publication in open access to UPCommons of the TFG/TFM does not imply any transfer of the exploitation rights of the TFG/TFM to the UPC.
  • Authors may object to access, consultation and borrowing from the TFG/TFM when their rights to privacy, honor and/or image are violated, or when confidentiality obligations assumed by the author, when documented, in accordance with section 3.1.5 of these regulations.
  • In the event that confidentiality obligations are violated, a maximum period of 5 years of embargo will apply to the TFG/TFM, which, once this period has passed, is published in open access.
  • They are also excluded from publication in open access to UPCommons the TFG/TFM that contain unauthorized personal data.


For more information on confidentiality issues, consult section 3.1.5 of the regulations NAGRAMA.

A procedure has been established, through the Electronic Headquarters UPC, so that the authors of the TFG/TFM can request to modify the publication status of their TFE, to do so this request must be made with the user UPC.

Other Identification Systems and electronic signature that are accepted for processing with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

More information: Who owns the industrial and intellectual property of a final academic project (TFG / PFM)?

UPCommons it must include the original version of the work which was submitted to the Court and that which is evaluated.

Sometimes, however, the teaching center allows the student to make some modifications a posteriori. The library cannot deposit any file that the teaching center does not validate as correct (which guarantees that it contains the work publicly defended and evaluated by the corresponding Court). So, to make the change of file already deposited in the repository of UPCommons it is necessary for the tutor or teaching center to approve the file.

The conditions of access to the new file will be the same as defined in the original submission and which we need to replace. In the event of any modification, you must notify us.

All the submitted works can be consulted in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law (LPI).

Should other permissive uses be made, the express authorization of the authors and / or holders of the exploitation rights must be obtained. There is a possibility from the SIA that the author grants a license Creative Commons (CC) in its work, which allows users to carry out some specific uses (not allowed in the LPI), without having to obtain their prior permission.

Works that cannot be consulted online through the institutional repository UPCommons they can be consulted on site in the depository library or in the school's archive (if the library does not have a copy in its collection).

Under no circumstances will any file be emailed. If the author has posted their email to theUPCommons the interested person can request a copy via UPCommons (which he can send or deny).

Works whose content may affect the confidentiality or industrial property of third parties are excluded from this public consultation.

More information: How to view the works not accessible to UPCommons

Last update: 23 / 01 / 2024