
The Campus Library of Baix Llobregat He specializes in documentation and information resources in the field of Biosystem Engineering, Agro-Food Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering. You can find these resources through the search engine DiscoveryUPC, Catalog of libraries UPC and a UPCommons.

The Campus Library of Baix Llobregat (BCBL) puts at your disposal the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are being worked on in the EETAC and EEABB schools of the Campus of the Baix Llobregat UPC (CBL) and that the library collaborates intensively by offering its resources and services.





In the Libraries of the UPC we understand the game as a tool that favors social relations and teamwork, improves communication and can be an intellectual challenge and to overcome.

From the Campus Library of Baix Llobregat, we offer you a selection of table games for you to borrow them


Discover board games

They have been introduced to UPCommons final degree projects (TFG) and final master's degree projects (TFM) from 2004 onwards. Provided the author has authorized it, these works are available online. Works prior to 2004 can be found on paper or CD / DVD in the library and can be consulted on site.




TFG International mobility programs (incoming and outgoing)

EETAC TFG / TFM and the EEABB for Development Cooperation 


Publish your TFE in Open Access

10 reasons to publish your TFE in Open (video)

The reasons of the student Anna Frias to publish your TFE in Open (video)


In compliance with the regulations in force, all academic work must be deposited in the library as a prerequisite before beginning the procedures for obtaining the degree. Check them out EETAC regulations and theEEABB for the delivery of work in digital format.


FAQS about the publication and confidentiality of the Final Project

You will find videos related to campus topics (teaching videos, seminars, conferences, promotions) on

Zonavideo UPC, UPCommons or Library YouTube

Featured thematic videos from the Campus Library Baix Llobregat
10 Reasons to host teaching videos on Zonavídeo UPC

You can consult the EEABB and EETAC exams in the repository ofExams UPC a UPCommons. Access to the exams is restricted to members of the UPC, prior authentication with the username and password of the intranets UPC or the Virtual Campus.


Exams UPC Collects, organizes and preserves the examinations that teachers and / or faculty of the university provide to libraries. More information about this service 

Access to EEABB exams

Access to EETAC exams


Access to visual version of EETAC or EEABB exams


Check the list of recommended titles in your subjects.


Access to teaching qualifications


The BCBL houses the historical bibliographic collection of the Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB). The historical collection provides information on the more than 10.000 books, magazines and archival material that make up this collection dating from the late XNUMXth century to the mid-XNUMXth century. 

You can consult the old collection in person and also in virtual format, through the website of the Historical collection and heritage collections of agriculture which, among other contents, offers you the following patrimonial funds:


Web of the Historical Fund and patrimonial collections of agriculture 

 Thematic guides and the resources and services of the libraries of the UPC. Consult the guides that refer to the topics of the Campus of the Baix Llobregat:

More guides



Other collections


The following monthly presentations on food waste can also be found in PDF format in the repository UPCommons within this collection 
The Chair UPC-Mercabarna for the fight against food waste and the Campus Library make this available to you thematic guide where you will find an extensive catalog related to food waste

All these language materials and special collections such as travel guides, cuisine, etc. you can find them in the space of relaxation from the lobby of the 1 plant.


Last update: 04 / 07 / 2023