
Call and Prize UPC Open science

Call and Prize UPC Open science

To promote the practices of Open Science between the community and in accordance with the 

More than 100.000 digital books at your fingertips

More than 100.000 digital books at your fingertips

Access tons of books available online by searching for Discovery UPC or access the digital books of the UPC throughUPCommons.

3rd edition of the Philosophy Club UPCArts

3rd edition of the Philosophy Club UPCArts

By Professor Marcel Cano Soler, Llicedegree in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and diploma in Bioethics and Doctor of Philosophy with a thesis on “Cosmovision, metarelation and way of life. The limits of our world".

MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

MOOC Unite!: Open Educational Resources (EOR)

Unite!, the European university alliance to which the UPC, wants to contribute to boosting the role of universities in building a world system of open science.

Open Research Europe expands its eligibility criteria

Open Research Europe expands its eligibility criteria

Open Research Europe is an open access publication platform created at the end of 2020 by the European Commission (EC) run at no cost to authors.

what do they do UPCArts?

what do they do UPCArts?

UPCArts, is the cultural community of the UPC which establishes bridges and alliances between science and technology, and art and culture.

Each month you can consult the cultural offer on the website ofUPCArts:

New transformative agreement with SPIE

New transformative agreement with SPIE

The Library Service has signed a transformative agreement for 2024 with the publishing Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) that allows corresponding authors of the UPC publish in open access in the journals edited by this publishing house at no cost.

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

BIBtips are back! Match your TFE

What are the BIBtypes?

What are diamond magazines and where to find them

What are diamond magazines and where to find them

The diamond magazines they are open access journals that do not charge either the authors or the readers but are subsidized by scientific societies, universities, etc. Therefore, they have no financial barriers either to access or to publish.

Datasets built into DRAC are visible in FUTUR

Datasets built into DRAC are visible in FUTUR

The datasets incorporated in DRAC are now visible in the portal FUTUR. Datasets can be hosted in the CSUC's CORA.RDR repository or in other trusted data repositories that ensure long-term information availability, such as Zenodo, DIGITAL.CSIC or others.