
What are diamond magazines and where to find them

What are diamond magazines and where to find them

The diamond magazines they are open access journals that do not charge either the authors or the readers but are subsidized by scientific societies, universities, etc. Therefore, they have no financial barriers either to access or to publish.

CSUC training on the eiNa DMP and the RDR

CSUC training on the eiNa DMP and the RDR

The CSUC has scheduled 6 training sessions throughout 2024 on the eiNa DMP and RDR. They are addressed to researchers and also to librarians.

How to make a data management plan with the eiNa DMP

You are a teacher at UPC?

You are a teacher at UPC?

The libraries of the UPC they put at your disposal different resources and services that can help you in the preparation of your subjects:

Single portal UPC for Research Data Management

Single portal UPC for Research Data Management

The new research data portal aims to improve support for research data management in the UPC through a single window of attention to the researcher in which the Research Area, the ICT Area, the Legal Services and Risk Assessment Area, the Ethics Committee, the School participate from Dr

Checklist for researchers on research data curation

Checklist for researchers on research data curation

Sharing research data is one of the mandates of open science, but it is always necessary to properly manage research data following the principles FAIR.

Basic guide on the process of publishing scientific articles

Basic guide on the process of publishing scientific articles

Available in open access the guide 'Writing scientific articles: structure, drafting, phases and publication'Of Lluís Codina i Carlos Lopez, professor and researchers at the UPF.

Open Access Meurnin the Toolkits

Open Access Meurnin the Toolkits

L'Open Access Meurnin the Toolkits it covers different aspects throughout the development life cycle and the day-to-day functioning of a open access journal, like now:

Want to know if your data is FAIR?

Want to know if your data is FAIR?

Use the program SATIFYD (Self-Assessment Tool to Improve the FAIRness of Your Dataset), developed by DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services), and answer the 12 questions on the form to find out if your data is FAIR.

Libraries UPC

Libraries UPC

Biblioguides UPC they allow you to access the information resources you need in your field of study. They guide you on the most relevant resources and services in your subject.

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search is Google's search engine, created in 2018, for locating research data online. It now also indexes all datasets deposited in CORA.Repository of Research Data (RDR) increasing its visibility at an international level.