Bibliometric studies

We design and perform bibliometric studies with information on:

  • The scientific production of researchers and researchers of the UPC
  • The impact of its publications
  • The positioning of the UPC versus other European and international universities
  • The comparative analysis of the thematic areas of the UPC

Most of these studies have been compiled with data extracted from the Web of Science and Scopus databases.






The studies recerCAMINS UPC, accessible from the following table, are only available in English.
Due to their complexity, they take a while to load. Be patient

Computational mechanics Construction engineering Groundwater hydrology Hydrology, maritime and environmental engineering Soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering

recerCAMINS UPC is a set of works dedicated to offering a representative vision of the scientific publication of the UPC on emerging issues in the field of civil engineering.

recerCAMINS UPC wants to show a significant image of the researchers' publication UPC, emphasizing the relationships of co-authorship, affiliation and thematic area.

Despite the breadth of the sample, recerCAMINS UPC it is not intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of this production and its impact on the areas analyzed.

Information sources

The source of information used has been the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics.

Additionally the studies include links to FUTUR, the portal of the scientific production of the researchers of the UPC, and, in some cases, to original publications.

Document scope

The analysis mainly considers two types of documents indexed in WoS: articles of magazine and contributions to congresses.

Chronological reach

The documents analyzed are those published between 2014 and 2018, indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database at the time of the search: October 2019.

Algorithms close by

The publications have been selected through the set of magazines and congresses where the researchers from the research groups of the Escola de Camins de la UPC, belonging to the subject area being analyzed.

In the case of Construction, the list of sources has been reduced to avoid excessive documentary noise. This selection has been agreed with specialists from the School of Ways of UPC.

Names of authors, institutions and congresses

Despite being an internationally recognized database for research evaluation, WoS has certain limitations when it comes to the treatment of names and affiliations.

The various variants of the names of the authors, institutions and conference names have been unified later in the search but still could present some dispersion or some inconsistency in the results obtained that should not significantly affect the conclusions that can be derive from the study.

WoS Keywords

For analyzes of the different subjects, the subject categories of WoS, under which the publications in this database are indexed.

Graphics and visualization of the data

The graphics were generated with the following visualization tools:

  • Highcharts®: graphs of authors with greater production and institutions coauthors more frequent.
  • Map generator developed in the Library, Publications and Archives Service of the UPC and based on Citoscape.js®.

Complete lists are provided in pdf format that complement the information displayed in the charts and tables.

Open access

The data on which the recerCAMINS studies are based UPC They are free and can be downloaded from each one of them.

recerTIC - UPC



The studies recerTIC UPC, accessible from the following table, are only available in English.
Due to their complexity, they take a while to load. Be patient


5G Computer security Embedded systems Machine learning Smart sensors
Bioinformatics Data science and engineering IoT Robotics Vehicle-to-everything


recerTIC UPC is a set of works dedicated to offering a representative vision of the scientific publication of the UPC in emerging issues in the field of Information Technology and Communication.

recerTIC UPC wants to show a significant image of the researchers' publication UPC, emphasizing the relationships of co-authorship, affiliation and thematic area.

Even so, despite the breadth of the sample and given the limitations of the databases on which it is based, recerTIC UPC It does not guarantee an exhaustive analysis of this production and its impact.

Information sources

The source of information used has been the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics, except in the case of evaluating the impact of journals and congresses for which the h5 index of Google Scholar.

Additionally the studies include links to FUTUR, the portal of the scientific production of the researchers of the UPC, and, in some cases, to original publications.

Document scope

The analysis mainly considers two types of documents indexed in WoS: articles of magazine and contributions to congresses.

Chronological reach

The documents analyzed are those published between 2007 and 2017, indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database at the time of searching: between April 2018 and January 2019.

Algorithms close by

The publications have been selected through search algorithms built from Boolean combinations of keywords selected according to the subject of each study.

The concepts used in the search algorithms have been chosen according to specialists in the UPC and trying to balance relevance, relevance and representativeness.

The algorithms use Boolean operators to combine the search terms.

Search algorithms are executed in the Advanced Search mode, in the field TS = Topic. The search in the TS field retrieves the terms within the Title, Abstract, Author Keywords and Keywords Plus® fields.

The results obtained have been narrowed down and debugged in cases where ambiguity might have occurred.

Names of authors, institutions and congresses

Despite being an internationally recognized database for research evaluation, WoS has certain limitations when it comes to the treatment of names and affiliations.

The various variants of the names of the authors, institutions and conference names have been unified later in the search but still could present some dispersion or some inconsistency in the results obtained that should not significantly affect the conclusions that can be derive from the study.

WoS Keywords

For analyzes of the different subjects, the subject categories of WoS, under which the publications in this database are indexed.

Graphics and visualization of the data

The graphics were generated with the following visualization tools:

  • Highcharts®: graphs of authors with greater production and institutions coauthors more frequent.
  • Map generator developed in the Library, Publications and Archives Service of the UPC and based on Citoscape.js®.

The publications with coauthors over 50 authors have been excluded from the map showing authorship and co-authors, as they greatly hampered the processing of the application at the time that generated a very little understandable visualization. In any case, these publications and their authors can be found in the rest of the maps, in the complete lists that complement the graphs and the most cited publications tables whenever this is given.

Open access

The data on which the recerTIC studies are based UPC They are free and can be downloaded from each one of them.

  • Comparative study of the scientific publication in the field of computer science at the UPC vs. other universities of national and international scope (2002-2012) (2007-2017)
  • Comparative study of the scientific publication of the UPC and the Path School vs. other universities of international scope (1998-2008) (2000-2010) (2006-2015) (2009-2018) (2012-2021)
  • Comparative study of the scientific publication in the areas of mathematics and statistics and operational research at the UPC vs. other universities of international scope (2000-2009) (2003-2012) (2006-2015) (2008-2017) (2010-2019) (2013-2022)
  • Comparative study of the scientific publication of the UPC and the ETSETB vs. other universities of international scope (1997-2007) (1999-2009) (2002-2012) (2006-2016)
  • Comparative study of the scientific publication in the field of physics at the UPC vs. other universities of national and international scope (2005-2014) (2007-2016) (2011-2020)


  • Study of the coauthor of scientific publications between UPC and nine universities in the United States: Brown University, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Stanford University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Princeton University and Duke University (2013)
  • Study of the coauthor of scientific publications between UPC and institutions in China (2014)
  • Study of the coauthor of scientific publications between UPC and five universities in the United States: Caltech, Stanford University, UC Davis, UC Irvine and UCLA (2014)
  • Study of the coauthor of scientific publications between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Aalto University (2014)
  • Study of the co-author of scientific publications: State University of Campinas - UNICAMP Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC-BarcelonaTech (2014)

Last update: 20 / 09 / 2023